

单词 dead silence
释义 dead silence短语⁴⁷⁸³⁵
Directly he uttered these words there was a dead silence.
他刚说出这些话,大家就沉默下来。 kekenet

In that room of25 students, there was dead silence, everyone nodded and some with tears in their eyes.
当时,教室里有25 位学生,大家鸦雀无声,纷纷点头表示同意,甚至有人热泪盈眶。 hcchome

There was dead silence for about a minute.
众人沉默了大概一分钟。 iask.sina.com.cn

“ Dead silence— and then roaring applause, ” he recalled.
“死寂——然后是雷鸣般的掌声,”他回忆道。 yeeyan

A dead silence greeted this unusual flow of words from Mr. van der Luyden.
迎接范德卢顿先生非同寻常的滔滔话语的是一阵死寂。 kekenet

Directly he said these words, there was a dead silence.
他刚说完这句话,大家就立即沉默下来。 hengqian

In the dead silence of the car- rental shop, I could hear his breathing, quick and shallow.
在安静的汽车出租商店里,我听到了他呼吸的声音,快且浅。 yeeyan

Suddenly I realized that there was dead silence except for our zipping.
突然间,我意识到周围一片静寂,只有我们发出的嗤嗤声。 http://of.eroticnudeparty.com

The fable world, which exhibited in this theatre, was full of noise, whereas dead silence reigned everywhere.
剧中展现了一个寓言的世界,这个世界布满喧哗吵闹,实际则一片死寂。 cl100

There is dead silence, and you know that every one is waiting for you to speak.
此时四周一片肃静,你知道人人都在等着你讲话。 joyen




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