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dead heat ˌdedˈhiːt ☆☆☆☆☆高短语¹⁸⁰⁰⁹⁸⁺¹ 基本英英例句Thesaurus例句 n.胜负不分的赛跑
Noun: a tie in a raceThe boat race was adead heat, and the first prize was divided in two.这次划船比赛有两只船同时到达终点,头奖由两只船平分。noun.tie in a contest 同义词 Mexican standoff,blanket finish,draw,even money,neck-and-neck race,photo finish,six of one and half a dozen of the other,standoff,tie,tie game,wash,without a difference Mexican standoffnoun impasse collision,cross-purposes,dead heat,deadlock,even money,showdown,standoff,wash deadlocknoun stalemate, impasse Catch-22,box,cessation,checkmate,corner,dead end,dead heat,dilemma,draw,full stop,gridlock,halt,hole,pause,pickle,plight,posture,predicament,quandary,standoff,standstill,tie,wall drawnoun tie in competition dead end,dead heat,deadlock,even-steven,photo finish,stalemate,standoff,tie photo finishnoun very close finish blanket finish,close finish,dead heat,even money,neck-and-neck race simultaneousadjective happening at about the same time accompanying,agreeing,at the same time,coetaneous,coeval,coexistent,coexisting,coincident,coinciding,concurrent,concurring,contemporaneous,contemporary,dead heat,in sync,synchronal,synchronic,synchronous,with the beat standoffnoun draw, tie Mexican standoff,dead heat,deadlock,drawn battle,even game,impasse,level,stalemate,toss-up,wash The race ended in a dead heat. 赛跑以平分秋色的结果告终。 http://dj.iciba.com The election was a dead heat. Nobody could predict the outcome. 那场选举竞争“剧烈”,没有人能预测结果。 chinabaike The polls here show a dead heat, but history will tell you in a dead heat the candidate with the organization wins. 此间的民意测验表明这是一次旗鼓相当的竞争,但历史告诉我们,在这种情况下有组织支持的候选人会胜出。 blogcn This week a poll showed him in a dead heat with Mitt Romney, the Republican front-runner. 本周的民调显示他与前美国麻州州长罗姆尼的支持率持平,后者现在可谓是共和党的领军式人物。 kekenet |