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词汇 dead end
释义 dead end ˌdedˈend ★☆☆☆☆高研短语⁷⁶²²
到达尽头; 死胡同; 无出路的

a passage with access only at one enda situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible;

reached an impasse on the negotiations

be at a dead end到达铁道支线的终点,…reach a dead end到达铁道支线的终点,…come to a dead end进入死胡同bring to a dead end无法进行下去…
近义词 corner角落impasse僵局deadlock僵局stalemate僵局standstill停顿cul de sac死胡同
Don't say we have come now to the end.不要说我们已到达尽头。
A blind alley at the end of which is a scaffold.一条死胡同的末尾有一座绞刑架。
Such incestuous relations are social dead ends.这种近亲人际关系简直就是社交的死胡同。as in.blind
同义词 impassableblocked,closed,concealed,dark,dim,disguised,obscured,obstructed,secludedclosed at one end,leading nowhere,unmarked,without egress,without exit
反义词 bare,bright,clear,distinct,light,open,plain,revealed,uncoveredas in.dead end
同义词 stalemateblank wall,blind alley,Catch-22,corner,draw,impasse,nowhere to turn,obstacle,road block,standoff,stumbling blockas in.stymie
同义词 choke off,crimp,foil,impede,obstruct,stall,stonewall,thwartbalk,block,confound,corner,crab,cramp,defeat,mystify,nonplus,pigeonhole,prevent,puzzle,shelve,snooker,stumpcramp one's style,cut off,give the runaround,hang fire,hang-up,hold off,hold up,put on back burner,put on hold,throw a monkey wrench into
反义词 abet,advance,aid,assist,forward,help,support,allow,clarify,clear up,enlighten,explain,explicate,let go,releaseencourage
blindadjective hidden or covered
blocked,closed,closed at one end,concealed,dark,dim,disguised,impassable,leading nowhere,obscured,obstructed,secluded,unmarked,without egress,without exit
blockverb obstruct
arrest,bar,barricade,block out,blockade,brake,catch,charge,check,choke,clog,close,close off,close out,congest,cut off,dam,dead-end,deter,fill,halt,hang up,hinder,hold up,impede,intercept,interfere with,occlude,plug,prevent,shut off,shut out,stall,stonewall,stop,stop up,stopper,stymie,tackle,take out of play,thwart
impedeverb obstruct, hinder
bar,block,blow whistle on,brake,check,clog,close off,cramp one's style,curb,cut off,dam,dead-end,delay,deter,discomfit,disconcert,disrupt,embarrass,faze,flag one,freeze,hamper,hang up,hold up,interfere,oppose,rattle,restrain,retard,saddle with,shut down,shut off,slow,slow down,stonewall,stop,stymie,thwart
obstructverb prevent, restrict
arrest,bar,barricade,block,check,choke,clog,close,congest,crab,curb,cut off,dead-end,drag one's feet,fill,foul up,frustrate,get in the way,hamper,hamstring,hang up,hide,hinder,hold up,impede,inhibit,interfere,interrupt,mask,monkey with,obscure,occlude,plug,restrain,retard,sandbag,shield,shut off,slow down,stall,stonewall,stop,stopper,stymie,terminate,throttle,thwart,trammel,weigh down
preventverb keep from happening or continuing
anticipate,arrest,avert,avoid,baffle,balk,bar,block,check,chill,cool,cork,counter,counteract,dam,dead-end,debar,defend against,foil,forbid,forestall,forfend,frustrate,halt,hamper,head off,hinder,hold back,hold off,impede,inhibit,intercept,interdict,interrupt,keep lid on,limit,nip in the bud,obstruct,obviate,preclude,prohibit,put a stop to,put an end to,repress,restrain,restrict,retard,rule out,shut out,stave off,stop,thwart,turn aside,ward off
stymieverb frustrate, hinder
balk,block,choke off,confound,corner,crab,cramp,cramp one's style,crimp,cut off,dead-end,defeat,foil,give the runaround,hang fire,hang-up,hold off,hold up,impede,mystify,nonplus,obstruct,pigeonhole,prevent,put on back burner,put on hold,puzzle,shelve,snooker,stall,stonewall,stump,throw a monkey wrench into,thwart The project transformed Malmö Central Station, which is actually in the northern part of the city, from a dead end where trains had to reverse course into a through station.
马尔默总站坐落于城市北部,是一个所有火车“见了不得不回头”的“死胡同”,这项工程却将这个“死胡同”变成了一个中转站。 ecocn

Almost every team chose to follow a gully that led to a dead end, and this is where most rovers either broke down or lost communications.
几乎每支队都选择沿着大裂缝搜寻,结果被带进了死胡同。大多数探测器要么摔残了,要么失去了联系。 yeeyan

But growing numbers of the elite feel that the present political and economic model has been exhausted and the country is fast approaching a dead end.
然而越来越多的社会精英认为政治、经济现有模式已经被消耗殆尽,国家快速走向死胡同。 ecocn

Fashion that is just about merchandise always feels like a dead end.
几乎仅仅是商品的时装,总感觉像是一个死胡同。 yeeyan

However, the old 0.20.5 architecture proved to be a dead end and could not be extended to full spec compliance.
但是,已经证明原来的0.20.5架构是一条死胡同,不可能通过扩展满足整个规范的依从性。 ibm

If democracy is to flourish in Egypt, the Brothers must be allowed to compete for power: and the lesson of the past few weeks is that the alternative to democracy is a dead end.
如果民主之花在埃及盛放,兄弟同盟会参选必然不能受到阻挠,过去几周的经验教训告诉我们另一条通往民主的道路是死胡同。 ecocn

If you try to find out more about this committee, its members, its powers and remit, you would come up against a dead end.
如果你试图找出关于这个委员会的更多情况,比如其成员,权力和职责范围的话,就会走进死胡同。 yeeyan

Syria's crisis was now at a“ dead end” after Assad failed to heed calls for reform that might have resolved unrest, Gul told the Guardian in an exclusive interview.
在一次独家专访中,居尔告诉《卫报》说,在阿萨德不听从本可能解决动乱的改革呼声之后,叙利亚危机已经走进了“死胡同”。 yeeyan

That could mean bird flu will remain a dead end, infecting the occasional unlucky person but never turning into a full- blown pandemic.
这意味着禽流感病毒已走到尽头,它只是随机感染几个不太幸运的人,但全面爆发全球大流行绝不可能。 yeeyan

The animal that eats its offspring, those genes are a biological dead end.

Their implosion after the fall of the Berlin Wall confirmed that such welfare states on steroids were an historical dead end.
在柏林墙倒塌后他们的解体证明了这样的“服用兴奋剂”的福利国家最终走进了历史的死胡同。 yeeyan

Then they explored administrative appeal avenues, which turned out to be a dead end.
后来他们采取行政诉讼的途径,但也是一条死胡同。 yeeyan

There are too many of them anyway; why would you want to point your visitors to a dead end?
已经有太多的死链接了,为什么还要将你的访问者指向死胡同呢? yeeyan




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