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The protocol described above is the very basic of KAP and its actual implementation in DCE authentication.
上述协议是最基本的 KAP和它在 DCE身份验证机制中的实际实现。 ibm

The registry service is the third network service being offered by DCE security.
注册表服务是 DCE安全机制所提供的第三种网络服务。 ibm

Account Information: DCE accounts are just like any other local account on the OS.
帐户信息: DCE帐户就像操作系统上任何其他本地帐户一样。 ibm

Authentication flag: This flag shows whether this PAC was authenticated by DCE security.
身份验证标志:此标志显示此 PAC是否经过了 DCE安全机制的身份验证。 ibm

Clearly DCE is eliminating the entire computation.
显然, DCE消除了整个计算过程。 ibm

From Session1, the user sends a resource request to the DCE application server.
在会话1中,用户发送一个对 DCE应用服务器的资源请求。 ibm

Here, the privilege service of DCE enhances the authentication service by adding the concept of privilege attribute certificates PAC.
在这里, DCE的特权服务通过加入特权属性证书 PAC,增强了身份验证服务。 ibm

In DCE, the security server is the central point of control which governs the security activities over the network.
在 DCE中,安全服务器是中央控制点,控制网络上的安全活动。 ibm

More serious, however, is the code needed to prevent DCE.
但最为重要的是防止 DCE所需的代码。 ibm

Once the security server confirms the identity of the user via secret key, the login process of the user into the DCE is completed.
一旦安全服务器通过秘密密钥确认了用户的身份,用户登录到 DCE的过程就完成了。 ibm

Requires the user to enter their DCE user name and DCE password.
需要用户输入他们的 DCE用户名和 DCE密码。 ibm

The most noted one being the privilege service and registry service, which are provided only by DCE.
最明显的不同就是特权服务和注册表服务,它们只有 DCE才有。 ibm

Thereafter, whenever the user wants to access any DCE service, it asks the security server for a security certificate.
在这之后,只要用户希望访问任何 DCE服务,它就会向安全服务器获取一个安全证书。 ibm

This article can be taken as an initial approach towards a deeper understanding of distributed security using DCE.
本文可以作为更深入理解使用 DCE的分布式安全机制的起点。 ibm

This is a one time process and need not be repeated every time until the user itself logs out of the DCE.
这是一种一次性过程,在用户本身从 DCE注销之前不必重复执行。 ibm

This reduces a lot of caching overhead and memory overuse in PLAM as compared to DCE.
与 DCE相比,这可以降低 PLAM中缓存的开销和内存的过渡使用。 ibm

Unreachable code is obviously dead, but JVMs often have more aggressive DCE policies.
不可达代码显然是死代码,但是 JVM采用的 DCE策略常常更激进。 ibm

Use this method to set the DCE security level for this RPC call.
使用该方法为这个 RPC调用设置 DCE安全级别。 ibm

Using this authentication service with DCE, RPC provides data availability and data privacy to users.
在 DCE中使用此身份验证服务, RPC能够向用户提供数据可用性保证和数据隐私保障。 ibm

We started with a note on the importance of security in a distributed environment and an overview of DCE security model.
我们首先强调了安全性对分布式环境的重要性,概述了 DCE安全模型。 ibm

DCE cell UUID: The UUID of cell in whose registry the principal is registered.
DCE单元 UUID:一个单元的 UUID,主体在该单元中的注册表中注册。 ibm

DCE enhanced this terminology with two kinds of ticket service.
DCE通过两种类型的票证服务强化了这一服务。 ibm

DCE provides a secure communication channel between a client and a server through an authenticated RPC mechanism.
DCE通过一个认证 RPC机制在客户机和服务器之间提供了一个安全的通信通道。 ibm

DCE security service use PACs that describe a client's security attributes.
DCE安全服务使用 PAC来描述客户端的安全属性。 ibm




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