释义 |
DBF in 基本例句 =Demodulator Band Filter in 解调带通滤波器输入端 Main work include:1 A method of adaptiveDBF inreceived antenna array.1 讨论了在接收阵列天线中,自适应数字波束形成的方法,引入了采样梯度矩阵算法。 The treatment would stop until meanDBF in24 hour was below 85mmHg.每2周作1次疗效评价;如舒张压20mmHg进行ABPM; The SBP andDBF inmiddle aged or old females are slightly higher than in males of the same age range.中老年女性SBP及DBP稍高于同龄组男性。 The new method is fit forDBF innon-uniform subarray, it modifies the weight parameter according to the position of subarray.对海明加权进行了修正 ,使之适用于由非均匀子阵构成的DBF ,其特点是根据子阵的相应位置来调整权系数。 |