

单词 daydreams
释义 day·dream·s 英'deɪdriːm美'deɪdriːm COCA⁴⁰⁸²⁵BNC⁴⁹⁰⁴⁷
absentminded dreaming while awake
have a daydream; indulge in a fantasyhave dreamlike musings or fantasies while awake;

She looked out the window, daydreaming

day dream白日梦
近义词 the那of关于dream梦air空气muse沉思moon月亮pipe管子vapor蒸汽in在 … 里musing沉思vision视力notion观念castle城堡flight飞行revery幻想reverie幻想fantasy幻想fiction小说fantasm幻影imagine想像conceit自负phantasm幻像crotchet怪想phantasy幻想fantasize想像phantasma幻影romance浪漫史mirage海市蜃楼fancy华丽装饰的contemplate注视imagination想象abstraction抽象stargaze眺望星星pipe dream白日梦contemplation注视hallucination幻觉figment虚构的东西daydreaming白日梦woolgather心不在焉air castle空中楼阁visualization可视化stare into space极目远眺oneirism醒梦状态,梦幻症…castle in the air空中楼阁be lost in thought想得出神hallucinate使产生幻觉…imagining动词imagine的现在…Spain西班牙(西南欧一国家,全…

用作名词She stared out of the windows, lost indaydreams.她凝视窗外,陷入白日梦中。用作动词I sometimesdaydreamin math class.我有时会在数学课上做白日梦。
He sat in the classroom,daydreamingabout the holidays.他坐在教室里,幻想着度假。 Infusions of Nightmares and Daydreams should now work correctly.
噩梦与白日梦的投入效果将再次正常运作。 eq2.3d-olg.net

Left to its own devices, our brain activates several areas associated with complex problem solving, which researchers had previously assumed were dormant during daydreams.
在思维天马行空之时,脑部几个与解决复杂问题相关的区域得到启动。 ebigear

“All daydreams, at least for now, ” says Shada Islam of the European Policy Centre, a Brussels think-tank.
布鲁塞尔智库欧洲政策中心的沙拉•伊斯兰姆说:“白日做梦,至少就现在来说是这样。” yeeyan

All kinds of creative thoughts, daydreams, and ideas come through our head when we are dancing.
但是当我们舞动的时候,各种创造性的思维,幻想和点子都能冒出来。 yeeyan

Be attentive to your daydreams and associations, write them down as soon as you can, keep a record, explore and develop those that seem worthy, and then communicate them when you're ready.
留意自己的幻想和联想,尽量迅速地把它们记录下来,探索并发展那些看上去有价值的观点,然后,等你准备好时,再与别人谈谈。 yeeyan

But it's only fun because, like all daydreams, you only imagine the good bits.
但有趣是因为,就像其他你的白日梦一样,你只是在想好的方面。 yeeyan

But we're actually happiest when we're pushing the envelope of effort, not when we're lost in daydreams.
当人们实际是在挑战努力的极限而不是做白日梦时是最高兴的。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Certain phenomena, including horror movies and masochistic daydreams, require a different type of explanation.
有些现象,包括恐怖电影和自虐性质的白日梦,就需要另一种解释了。 yeeyan

He often worried Frances his adoptive mother with his penchant for trance- like daydreams.
他神恍惚而且白日梦不断,这种情况总是使他的养母弗朗西斯感到厌烦。 yeeyan

He prefers to rely on data rather than daydreams.
他看重的是数据而不是空想。 ecocn

If what researchers are saying is true, a life lived without fantasies and daydreams isn't as rich and rewarding as life can be.
如果研究人员所说的是真的,那么没有想入非非、白日做梦的生活就不可能是丰富多彩和富有成就的。 kekenet

My sister sent me the link to this adorable website called Mila’s Daydreams one day last week.
上一周的某天,我的妹妹发给我一个很可爱的网站链接地址。 yeeyan

Often they gave themselves up to daydreams of escape.
他们常沉溺进这种逃避现实的白日梦。 jukuu

Or I'd get lost in my head and get distracted by my own thoughts and daydreams.
或者,我在自己的脑海里迷了路,被我自己的思绪和浮想搅得心神不宁。 hxen

She had her own daydreams, her own plans, her own reflections; she understood perfectly well what her husband's dreams were.
她也做着自己的白日梦,打着自己的主意,盘算着自己的计划;她完全清楚自己丈夫心里是怎么想的。 yeeyan

The farther away your daydreams take you, in both distance and time, the study found, the more you'll forget about what you're doing right now.
该研究发现,你神游得越远,无论是距离上还是时间上,越容易忘记目前正在做的事情。 yeeyan

This is how daydreams and fantasies typically work;
这是白日梦和幻想的起作用方式; yeeyan

This is how daydreams and fantasies typically work; you imagine winning the prize, not watching yourself winning the prize.
这是白日梦和幻想的起作用方式;你想象获奖,而不是看着自己获奖。 yeeyan

We do things in virtual worlds that would shock us in the real one, and our daydreams are not always pleasant ones; even happy people obsess on their worst fears.
我们在虚拟世界当中所做的事,搁在现实世界会把自己都吓一大跳。白日梦也不全是美梦,就算乐天派也难免杞人忧天。 yeeyan




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