

单词 daybreak
释义 day·break 英ˈdeɪˌbreɪk美ˈdeˌbrekAHDdāʹbrāk' ☆☆☆☆☆高研四八COCA²⁶⁷³⁰BNC⁴¹³¹⁴iWeb²³⁰¹⁴

the first light of day;

we got up before dawn

they talked until morning

蒋争熟词记忆day白天break破⇒破晓;黎明day白天break破⇒破晓;黎明近义词 dawn黎明sunup日出aurora曙光morning早晨dawning拂晓daylight日光morn诗黎明cockcrow鸡叫dayspring黎明sunriseU日出first light黎明反义词 nightfall傍晚

用作名词Atdaybreakour machine guns opened up.黎明时,我们的机枪开火了。
We will leave atdaybreak.我们将在黎明时动身。
The fire was completely overcome bydaybreak.到天亮时,火势完全控制住了。noun.beginning of light hours
同义词 dawnaurora,cockcrow,dawning,daylight,dayspring,morn,morning,sunrise,sunupbreak of day,bright,crack of dawn,day-peep,early bright,first light
反义词 sunsetdarkness,eventide,sundown
break of daynoun first light
brightening,cockcrow,crack of dawn,dawn,dawning,first blush,first brightening,first flush of morning,peep of day,prime,prime of the morning,sunrise,sunup
cockcrownoun dawn
cockcrowing,dawning,daybreak,first light,morn,morning,sunrise,sunup
dawnnoun beginning of day
aurora,break of day,bright,cockcrow,crack of dawn,dawning,day-peep,daybreak,daylight,early bright,first blush,first light,light,morn,morning,sunrise,sunup,wee hours
dawningnoun dawn
cockcrow,crack of dawn,daybreak,daylight,morn,morning,sunrise,sunup
daylightnoun light part of 24 hours
aurora,dawn,day,daybreak,daytime,during the day,light,light of day,sunlight,sunrise,sunshine
earlyadjective in the early part of the morning
daybreak,early morning,first blush,first flush of morning,first light,matinal It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom.
在天亮之前起床是个好习惯,这将有助于你的健康,财富和智慧。 blog.sina.com.cn

The fire was completely overcome by daybreak.
黎明时大火已被完全扑灭。 ebigear

The daybreak near the cooling pound.
冷却池旁的黎明景色。 yeeyan

There were long lines at the company’s stores before daybreak and, as the doors opened, would- be buyers were met with rapturous applause from Apple staff.
拂晓前,苹果商店外人群大排长龙,店门一开,这些潜在买家就获得了苹果公司员工雷鸣般的掌声。 ecocn

After daybreak, the rumor of a tap with running water sent her stumbling in a panic through the slum's narrow corridors.
拂晓传出消息,有个水龙头能出水,查雅穿过贫民区狭窄的街道,却在慌乱中失足摔倒,一无所获。 yeeyan

As far as I can remember, she would always get up before daybreak.
从我能记忆时起,总是天不亮就起床。 putclub

At daybreak the woman went back to the house where her master was staying, fell down at the door and lay there until daylight.
天快亮的时候,妇人回到她主人住宿的房门前,就仆倒在地,直到天亮。 ebigear

Booking in advance is strongly recommended as all Daybreak tours are subject to demand.
我们强烈建议提前预定,因为所有的 Daybreak旅行都是由需求决定的。21cn

But I returned before daybreak and went to the rear of the house, purposing to enter by a door with which I had secretly so tampered that it would seem to lock, yet not actually fasten.
但我其实第二天天没亮就回来了,而且去了屋子的后方,本打算从后门进屋,因为房门被我设好了,看上去像是锁上了,其实并没有锁。 yeeyan

Dancing volunteers set out to the Bird's Nest for practice at daybreak to keep secret their performance, some of them were so tired during rest time they slept on the ground.
因保密需要,舞蹈志愿者每次去鸟巢排练都在凌晨,很多志愿者休息时直接躺在地上睡。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Fantine had passed a sleepless and feverish night, filled with happy visions; at daybreak she fell asleep.
芳汀发了一夜烧,并且失眠,可是这一夜却充满了种种快乐的幻象,到早晨,她睡着了。 ebigear

For many years, I have been in the habit of getting up before daybreak to start work at four.
多少年来,我养成了一个习惯:每天早晨四点在黎明以前起床工作。 putclub

He was routed out of bed by the doorbell at daybreak.

I knew that by daybreak we would be deep inside Genghis Khan country.
我知道到黎明的时候我们已经深入到成吉思汗的故乡。 yeeyan

It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of bad captivity.
它的到来犹如欢乐的黎明,结束了束缚黑人的漫漫长夜。 ebigear

Most of the cannons and other heavy articles were thrown overboard, and, the ship being thus lightened, they tried to float her off at daybreak.
为减轻船的重量,大部分火炮和较重的日用品不得不被扔到船外,但并未能让船能在天亮时浮起来。 yeeyan

She had hanged herself at daybreak.
她在拂晓时上吊了。 yeeyan

The hound hunted all night. He quit when the roosters started crowing at daybreak.
那只猎犬忙乎了整晚,到黎明公鸡报晓时才休息。 yeeyan

Then the man said, “ Let me go, for it is daybreak.”
那人说:“天黎明了,容我去吧!” ebigear




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