

单词 Dawson
释义 Daw·son 英ˈdɔːsən美ˈdɔsənAHDdôʹsən 高COCA¹²⁷⁸⁰BNC⁶²⁹⁴

a town in northwestern Canada in the Yukon on the Yukon River; a boom town around 1900 when gold was discovered in the Klondike
In the morning,Dawsonlooked east.早晨,道森上尉向东观察。
Dawsonwas adopted by an American family after getting lost in his native South Korea at the age of three.道森是在三岁时在他的祖国走失后被一个美国家庭收养的。 On the day we leave Dawson, the big guys present me with a knitted, orange penis- warmer for the cold nights.
离开道森的那一天,大汉们送我一件橙色的针织物,是寒冷的冬夜用来为阴部御寒的。 yeeyan

The day before the trail, Mr. Dawson sent his best suit to the laundry.
审判前一天,道森先生将他最好的西服送到洗衣房。 ebigear

While the reception Dawson received from Capello, and then John Terry, after arriving was genuine, it was a reminder of the FIFA World Cup's fragile nature.
道森到达后受到了卡佩罗和特里的真诚接待,它提醒世界杯本质上是脆弱的。 yeeyan

“ The researchers use the higher performance in one area to speculate about deficit elsewhere, ” says Dawson.
“研究人员用一个领域的高性能来推测其他地方的缺陷,”道森说。 yeeyan

“ We consider the effort to understand and encourage autistic strengths to be of paramount importance, ” Dawson said.
道森说:我们认为,目前最重要的是,尽量去了解并鼓励自闭症个体的自身优势。 yeeyan

As far as Dawson is concerned, what matters most is evidence.
对道森来说,最紧要的是证据。 yeeyan

Before his death, he occupied his days with a big portrait of David Dawson, his devoted assistant and frequent model.
临终前夕,路西安一直忙于大卫道森的大型肖像,大卫既是他忠诚的助手,也时常作为他的模特出现。 yeeyan

I could not wait to return to Canada, and was grateful to head north to Dawson to get a view of the goldfields of today.
我急不可耐地想回到加拿大去,并且很乐意来到北方的道森一窥金矿今日的面貌。 yeeyan

Later Mr. Dawson became a lawyer.
后来,道森先生成了一名律师。 ebigear

Michael Dawson has been impressed with Sandro's form in the second half of the season.
桑德罗在下半赛季的良好状态,给迈克尔-道森留下了深刻的印象。 goalhi

Mr. Dawson used to be a Latin teacher and live on an island of30 degrees north latitude.
道森先生过去是名拉丁语教师,他住在北纬30度的一个小岛上。 ebigear

Mr. Dawson walked into the court from a lateral door.
道森先生从一个侧面的门走进法庭。 ebigear

Now, research by Dawson and others has carried this concept a step further.
现在,由道森和其他人所做的研究已经把这种观念又推进一步。 yeeyan

Psychologist Donna Dawson, who has specialised in sex and relationships, says it is often about making a public statement.
专攻性与人际关系的心理学家唐娜•道森说这往往是为了有一个公共认可的状态。 www.i21st.cn

The first way in which Dawson challenged the mainstream view was to address the association between autism and low IQ.
道森挑战主流观点的第一个方式就是致力于研究自闭症和低智商之间的联系。 yeeyan

The whole thing started in1912 when Charles Dawson claimed to find some interesting bones in a gravel pit.
整个故事开始于1912年,当时,查尔斯·道森声称在一个砾石坑中发现了一些有趣的骨头。 yeeyan

The conclusions are more far-reaching, Dawson said.
道森说,结论比此更为深远。 yeeyan

Then we returned to Dawson and called at the mining recorder's office.
然后我们回到道森,给矿业记录署打了电话。 yeeyan

To relax himself, Mr. Dawson began to laugh and his laughter could even be heard in the next room.
为了让自己轻松,道森先生开始笑起来。他的笑声在隔壁都听得到。 ebigear

Under Mr. Dawson's leadership, the team worked well.
在道森先生的领导下,小组工作得很好。 ebigear

Waiting on the river in Dawson was a Cornishman, Dorian Amos. Ten years ago, he and his wife, Bridget, a Canadian, chose the Yukon as home.
到了道森,在河上等着我们的是康沃尔人多利安阿莫斯,十年前他和妻子加拿大人布丽盖特在育空安了家。 yeeyan

Dawson and his students hope to solve one of the most puzzling aspects of the world’s oceans: where they get all their energy.
道森和他的学生希望解决一个最令人费解的关于地球海洋的问题:海洋从哪里得到所有的这些能量。 yeeyan

Dawson believes her personal connection to this field of inquiry gives her unique insights.
道森相信她个人与这个调查领域的联系给了她独特的洞察力。 yeeyan




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