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词汇 Dawkins
释义 Dawkins ˈdɒˌkɪnz 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.道金斯¹⁰⁰原型dawkin的三单 As Dr Dawkins is ever keen to stress, a reality inhabited by a sentient supernatural being is very different from a reality that isn't.

As Dawkins writes, “There may be universes whose skies have no stars: but they also have no inhabitants to notice the lack.”
道金斯在书中写道:“也许有些宇宙没有任何恒星,不过那些宇宙中也没有居民留意这个不足之处。” yeeyan

Richard Dawkins: The unity of life that comes about through evolution, since we're all descended from a single common ancestor.
理查德·道金斯:生命的统一来自于进化,因为我们都是起源于单个共同祖先。 yeeyan

The term Meme was coined by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in his1976 popular science bestseller, The Selfish Gene.
“迷因”这个词最早是由英国进化生物学家理查德•道金斯在他1976年的大众科学畅销书《自私的基因》中使用的。 iciba

Among the unsuccessful bidders, according to The Guardian newspaper, was Oxford evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, an outspoken atheist.
另据《卫报》报道,在诸多未成功的出价人当中,以直言不讳著称的无神论者、牛津大学进化生物学家理查德·道金斯赫然在列。 yeeyan

And genes, as Richard Dawkins has famously suggested, are pretty selfish.
并且理查•道金斯著名生物学家曾经提出过一个著名的论断,即基因是非常自私的。 yeeyan

As a prelude to these contestable claims, Mr Dawkins examines the interesting question of why religion is so widespread.
作为这些有争议之论点的铺垫,道金分析了为何宗教得以广泛流传这样一个有趣的问题。 ecocn

By Richard Dawkins.
由理查德 ·道金斯所著。 ecocn

He challenges the atheistic positions of R. Dawkins in the biological sphere and of Stephen Hawking in physics.
他对生物学家 R.D awkins和物理学家霍金所持有的无神论立场提出了挑战。

In a coincidence that completely astonished Dawkins, two other finders independently submitted correct gene solutions to the Holy Grail within weeks after Reed.
无独有偶,让道金斯大为震惊的是,两个其他发现者在里德之后数星期里提交了圣杯的基因解决方案。 hicoo

In addition, though religions preach morality, peace and hope, in fact, says Dawkins, they bring intolerance, violence and destruction.
另外,虽然宗教鼓吹道德、和平和希望,但是道金斯说,实际上它们给人类带来了偏执、暴力和毁灭。 tianya

In recent years writers from Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett to Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris have penned popular tracts advancing the cause of godlessness.
近年来,从理查德•道金斯、丹尼尔•丹尼特,到克里斯托弗•希钦斯和萨姆•哈里斯都挥洒笔墨,写文推崇无神主义论调。 ecocn

Life uses genes, technology uses memes Dawkins' word for an idea that travels through time and Kevin's radical idea is that memes may be stronger than genes.
生命利用基因传播,科技利用文化基因用 Dawkin的话说,就是思想随着时间传播, Kevin的激进想法就是,文化基因可能比基因更强大。 yeeyan

Mr. Dawkins gave his hat a ferocious cock, after delivering this sentiment, and looked at Master Bates, as if to denote that he would feel obliged by his saying anything to the contrary.
达金斯先生抒发出这番感想,把帽子使劲往上一推,直瞪瞪地瞅着贝兹少爷,似乎想表示欢迎他发表与此相反的观点。 tingroom

Mr Dawkins took to the comments of a blog to mock her for overreacting, and was roundly criticised for it.
道金斯先生于是在一个博客里发表评论,嘲笑她反应过度,因此招来了一片喊打之声。 ecocn

Mr Dawkins dreams of a day when atheists are as well organised and influential as Christian conservatives have become.
道金梦想有朝一日,无神论者能像基督教保守派那样拥有完善的组织完善和影响力。 topsage

So I disagree with Richard Dawkins when he says “ religions make existence claims, and this means scientific claims.”
所以当理查德。达尔文说:“宗教给出存在性的判断,而这意味着科学。”时候,我绝难苟同。 yeeyan

The evidence that Mr Dawkins sets out so persuasively here is already widely known.
这些由道金斯展现的证据都是广为人们所知道的。 ecocn

Then they went out with Dawkins and Charley Bates together.
然后她们和达金、查理?佩茨一起出去了。 amazon

Unfortunately, rather than avoiding the whole religion vs. science thing, Hawking has decided to open a can of worms reigniting an age- old debate that would make Richard Dawkins proud.
很不幸地,比起回避整个宗教界对抗科学,霍金已经决定成为第一个点燃那古老辩论的人,这也许会让理查德·达尔文感到骄傲。 yeeyan

Dawkins wants to know if there is life on other planets.
Dawkins想知道其他星球上是否有生物。 yeeyan




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