

单词 davinci
释义 davinciCOCA¹⁴¹⁹¹²BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
Based on the Davinci technology, TI is offering the next level of SOC and embedded development tools and support with high performance.
达芬奇处理器是 TI公司新推出的高性能嵌入式片上系统,在安防领域有着广泛的应用前景。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

The focus of optimization is how to effectively use the software and hardware resources of Davinci to improve the efficiency of the entire system.
优化工作的重点是如何有效的利用达芬奇平台的软硬件资源提高整个系统的效率。 fabiao

The helicopter was invented by Leonardo DaVinci.
直升机是列奥那多·达芬奇发明的。 hjenglish

Make your own colors using a lipstick brush. Move over, DaVinci!
然后用唇刷调和不同颜色唇膏来实现创造你自己想要的颜色。 yeeyan

The innovation is that different driver- assist functions are syncretized on one platform which is based on DaVinci technology with dual-core processor.
论文创新点在于考虑将功能不同的驾驶员辅助项目融合到基于达芬奇技术的以双核芯片作为处理器的平台上。 fabiao

This DaVinci robot system, made by Intuitive Surgical, is the world's only robot- controlled surgical system, according to the company.
这个达芬奇机器人系统,由作出直观手术,是世界上唯一的机器人控制的手术系统,根据该公司。 bugutang




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