

单词 Davids
释义 Davids ˈdeɪvədz 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.戴维兹¹⁰⁰原型david的复数 A man who has dropped and fallen out with Totti, Alessandro Del Piero and Edgar Davids is hardly likely to be lose his nerve at the prospect of a Gary Neville- led uprising.
他整过托蒂、皮耶罗、戴维斯这样的大牌,如果加里·内维尔敢在他手下搞什么起义,那么卡佩罗一定不会客气。 www.360doc.com

As things panned out it was Davids who would be sitting on the bench, as Cambiasso immediately made the defensive midfield position his own, with an outstanding start to his career in Italy.
可接下来发生的事情却是戴维斯坐上了板凳,而坎比亚索则立刻占据了主力防守中场的位置,这给他在意大利的事业开了个好头。 blog.sina.com.cn

Edgar Davids believes we have every reason to go into the new season in a positive frame of mind after we completed pre- season with victory against Real Sociedad on Saturday.
热刺队在周六战胜皇家社会完成了自己在赛季前的备战工作。埃德加·戴维斯相信球队上下已经对即将到来的新赛季有了明确积极的规划。 tianya

It’s a case of ‘ David vs Goliath’, where JR inflates his Davids to a size that enables a fairer fight.
在一个主题为《大卫和歌利亚》作品中, JR放大了大卫的身高,让他和歌利亚更公平的进行战斗。 yeeyan

The end of King Davids40 year Reign.
大卫王40年的统治结束。 bibleview.org

Davids curls the ball into the middle, Gamberini anticipates Adriano and heads clear.
在左翼野猪传中至禁区中央,甘贝里尼抢在阿德前头球解围。 jukuu

A special guest watched the match from the side-line: Edgar Davids.
一位特殊的客人在球场边观看了比赛:戴维斯。 juvechina




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