

单词 daughter-in-law
释义 daugh·ter-in-law 英ˈdɔːtərɪnˌlɔː美ˈdɔtərɪnˌlɔAHDdôʹtər-ĭn-lô' ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²³⁷⁵⁸BNC²⁰⁵⁴⁶iWeb¹⁹⁰¹⁶

the wife of your son反义词 son-in-law女婿

用作名词At first she wasn't willing to have her daughter in law go out to work.开始她不愿意让儿媳妇出去工作。 It was true that old age had finally got her, as her daughter-in-law said.
衰老的岁月确实终于找上她来,正如她的儿媳说的。 yeeyan

“ She started getting lost on the street, ” said the woman’s daughter-in-law, Luo Yuqin. “ She’d even forget to turn off the boiling water on the stove.”
“她开始在街上迷路,”儿媳妇罗玉琴说到,“她甚至忘了关烧开水的炉子。” yeeyan

In July2007 the old couple made another private tour to Guoliang Village in north Henan province together with their son, daughter-in-law and grandson.
2007年7月,老两口率领儿子、儿媳、孙子全家人去豫北的郭亮村自助游。 yeeyan

According to her daughter-in-law, she tried to steal one more time, but everything was locked up that night— can you imagine!
根据她儿媳的判断,她还想偷东西吃,但那天晚上所有吃的东西都被锁起来了——你能想象得到吗! yeeyan

Along with two sons, a daughter-in-law, a grandchild and her husband, Shareen has a menagerie of pets.
除了丈夫、两个儿子、一个儿媳和一个孙子之外,谢林还养了一群宠物。 yeeyan

Aunt Zhang, her face radiating happiness, stood at the door waiting for her daughter-in-law who was coming from town.

His wife, son, daughter-in-law and several former aides have also been jailed.
他的妻子、儿子、儿媳以及几位前副手也分别被依法判处。 ecocn

His daughter-in-law, on perceiving him through the window, immediately escaped to the kitchen, so that I remained alone.
他的儿媳妇,从窗里一看见他,马上就逃到厨房去了,所以只剩下我一个人。 putclub.com

How can the second daughter-in-law bring back wind in a paper?
第二个儿媳怎样才能带回纸里的风? yeeyan

How can the third daughter-in-law bring back music in wind?
第三个儿媳怎样才能带回风中的音乐? yeeyan

King Priam was killed. Queen Hecuba, her daughter Cassandra and her daughter-in-law Andromache were all carried into slavery.
国王皮安姆被杀,赫克犹巴王后,她的女儿卡珊德拉及儿媳安德洛玛切都被充作了奴隶。 ebigear

Our former daughter-in-law showed up and asked us not to say anything that would hurt her reputation.
我们的前儿媳出现并要求我们不要说出任何有损于她名声的话。 putclub

She is a fine woman and the most beautiful daughter-in-law I could have asked for.
她是个贤淑的女人,而且是我所能选到的最漂亮的儿媳妇。 edu.sina.com.cn

Since they were married six years ago, my son and daughter-in-law have been to our home twice for a short Christmas holiday.
自从六年前他们结婚到现在,我的儿子和媳妇在短短的圣诞节的假期里只到过我家两次。 putclub

The first evening, our daughter-in-law announced that she could not eat anything we served because she was a vegetarian.
第一个晚上,我的媳妇说她不会吃我们准备得任何事物,因为她是素食者。 putclub

They got married in her house, where they decided they would live. Her son and daughter-in-law stood up with her.
他们在她的房子里举行了婚礼,并决定婚后一起住在那里。 kekenet

Your former daughter-in-law obviously needs to assuage her guilt by making your son the villain. He needs to speak to his divorce lawyer immediately about this defamation of character.
很明显你的前儿媳妇不怀好意的要把你的儿子形容成一个恶棍以减轻她的罪恶,她很快就会在她离婚律师面前诽谤你的儿子。 putclub




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