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Datura metel 基本例句 白曼陀罗 Flos Datura is dried flower of an annual herbDatura metelL. which belongs to the family of Solananeae.洋金花为茄科植物白曼陀罗Datura metelL.;的干燥花;又名曼陀罗花、风茄花、山茄子和白花曼陀罗等;全国大部分地区均有分布。 Datura metelL.白曼陀罗 Datura metelLinn.白花曼陀罗 Flos Daturaes, dry flowers ofDatura metelL., had the efficacies of relieving cough, easing pain and releasing from hyperkinesias etc.的干燥花,具有平喘止咳、镇痛、解痉等功效,其有效成分为东莨菪碱及少量的莨菪碱。 KeywordsDatura metelL. lotion Co. Scopolamine hydrobrotmde;PLC scanning;关键词复方洋金花擦剂;氢溴酸东莨菪碱;薄层扫描法; |