释义 |
dassler 基本例句 达斯勒 K?ser demanded an explanation from Dassler who also said sorry.克泽尔要求达斯勒对这件事给出一个合理的解释。 They had squeezed as much as the market would bear from sponsors.Jean-Marie Weber and the Dassler family wanted more.他们已经最大限度地榨取了赞助商的油水,赞助商有多少市场需求,他们就能赚多少钱,但韦伯和达斯勒家族还不满足。 After Adi Dassler's death, Adi's wife K鋞he, his son Horst, and his daughters carry on the business.阿道夫.;达斯勒先生去世后;他的夫人;儿子;女儿继承了他的事业 Six months later Dassler was spreading word that the general secretary's days in office were numbered.达斯勒虽然口口声声说抱歉,但六个月之后,他卷土重来,开始大肆扬言这位秘书长在国际足联已时日无多。 The date was 7 December 1995, the very day that Dassler's traumatised family were in the ISL crisis meeting discussing what on earth they should do about losing the Olympics.报价日期是1995年12月7日,在同一天,遭受重创的达斯勒家族正在ISL的危机会议上讨论他们到底怎么做才能不失去奥运会。 |