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词汇 Darren
释义 Darren
“ Clearly Darren Fletcher has won the ball, ” said Ferguson.
“弗莱彻非常干净得抢到了球。”弗格森说。 yeeyan

Although Park Ji-sung and Darren Fletcher wrapped up victory, Beckham's England team-mate Wayne Rooney did the damage last night.
虽然朴智星和弗莱彻做得不错,但大卫在英格兰的队友韦恩鲁尼才是昨晚真正的英雄。 yeeyan

As Darren says, “ It’s more like a problem solving exercise.”
就像 Darren说的,“它更像是解题练习。” yeeyan

By the time he attempted this picture, Darren had spent three years photographing starlings.
在尝试拍摄这张照片之前, Darren花了三年时间拍摄欧椋鸟。 yeeyan

I saw Requiem for a Dream because it was premiering at Cannes and Darren was adamant that I come see it.
我看了《梦之安魂曲》,因为当时在戛纳首映,达伦坚持要我去看。 yeeyan

Its founder, Darren Cronian, responds to individual questions and Tweets a constant stream of personal comments.
其创始人 Darren Cronian负责回答个人的提问,而且不断地发布个人评论短信。 yeeyan

Las Vegas-based memorabilia auctioneer Darren Julien says the future of his nostalgia-themed industry lies in Asia.
拉斯维加斯纪念品拍卖商朱利安说,亚洲是这个以怀旧为主题的行业未来所系。 hjenglish

Stewart Downing regained possession, Ashley Young ripped a shot at Joe Hart and Darren Bent put away Hart's parry.
唐宁重新占有主力位置,阿什利杨朝着乔哈特劲射,达伦本特躲开乔哈特的阻挡。 yeeyan

The director, Darren Aronofsky, uses all the artifice in his arsenal to portray the terrors that beset Nina in her pursuit of perfection.
导演达伦·阿伦诺夫斯基用尽浑身解数来描述尼娜追求完美的过程中那些困扰她的恐惧。 yeeyan

They should have had a penalty when Darren Fletcher knocked Arshavin over like a skittle without reaching the ball, only for Dean to wave play on.
他们应该获得一个点球,当时弗莱彻明显踢倒阿尔沙文却未触到球,但迪恩挥手示意比赛继续。 yeeyan

Yet the real revelation on Saturday was the player who is rapidly becoming United's dynamo. Darren Fletcher was ubiquitous in midfield.
但周六最大的发现是那名正飞速成为曼联发动机的球员---弗莱彻,他在中场无处不在。 yeeyan

Darren Fletcher, Michael Carrick and Anderson closed down assiduously, with Ryan Giggs also narrow.
弗莱彻、卡里克和安德森努力防守,而吉格斯也与他们保持着距离。 yeeyan

Darren is battering a guy on the corner and the cops are on their way.
达伦在街角打人,警察已经在路上了。 yeeyan

Darren was young, good- looking and bright; I asked him how often he thought the women he paid enjoyed the sex.
戴伦是个年轻漂亮的小伙子;我问到他有多少次考虑过那些提供性服务的女性的感受。 yeeyan

Darren's girlfriend is a midwife.
达伦的女朋友是个助产士。 iciba




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