

单词 darkroom
释义 dark·room 英ˈdɑːkˌruːm, -ˌrʊm美ˈdɑrkˌrum, -ˌrʊmAHDdärkʹr›m', -r‹m' ★☆☆☆☆高ICOCA²⁹⁰⁸⁵BNC³⁵⁶⁸⁰iWeb²²⁷⁴¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a room in which photographs are developeddarkroom filter暗室滤光器,安全灯滤…darkroom lamp暗室灯
用作名词I have a completedarkroomin my house.我屋子里有整套暗房设备。
He opened the door of mydarkroomsuddenly and exposed all my film.他突然打开了我暗房的门,使我所有的胶片都曝光了。 All remaining snapshots will be ruined because someone unwittingly opens the door to the darkroom.
所有剩余的快照就会被葬送,因为有人无意中打开暗室的大门。 kenliew

Along with healing, your subconscious darkroom is where your wealth is produced.
你的这座潜意识的暗室,是你的病被治愈的地方,也是你的财富诞生的所在。 yeeyan

Despite new technologies, the magic of the darkroom still fascinates me.
尽管有新技术,暗房的魔力仍然叫我着迷。 yeeyan

He had a darkroom in his basement, and an Apple II Plus that he was allowed to bring home from work.
他在地下室建了一个暗室并有一台被允许从工作场所带回家的 Apple II Plus电脑。 yeeyan

He went into the darkroom to develop the plate; he dried it and placed it beside the plate that he had made seven days earlier.
他去暗示冲洗底片:他晾干了底片,放在他早在七天前就冲洗完毕的底片旁边。 yeeyan

I hate to say it, a lot of people love the darkroom, but it really feels like the death of the darkroom with this year.
我不愿这样说:很多人热爱暗室,但是今年以来暗室似乎正在走向衰落。 yeeyan

I'm learning to develop my own photographs in the darkroom.
我在学习在暗房冲洗照片。 sparke

If you're a commercial photographer or a high-end amateur, you can do anything you used to do in the darkroom.
如果你是商业摄影师或高端业余摄影师,你仍可以像以前一样在暗室中工作。 yeeyan

In order to eliminate or reduces the background or fluorescence influence, it is better to operate in the darkroom or the dark cover screening, to completely eliminate the environment light influence.
为了消除外界背景或减小荧光的影响,最好还是应该在暗室或暗罩遮护中进行,以完全消除环境光的影响。 cnki

In the darkroom, Li would separate potentially dangerous negatives and hide them in his desk.
在暗房里,李振盛把可能会带来危险的底片单独拿出来,藏在他的办公桌里。 yeeyan

It just so happens that Nara finds his refugee inside this particularly outdated pastry darkroom.
正好奈良就躲在这家破废的点心暗房里。 cpu798

On Nov.9.1989, I was in the darkroom when I heard that the Berlin Wall had fallen.
1989年11月9日,我正在暗房忙乎,突然听说柏林墙倒了。 yeeyan

Photograph in just as the love, even your apparatus advancement, fine craftsmanship, but can't do without the darkroom to operate finally.
恋爱就像摄影,即使你设备先进、技术精湛,但最后还是少不了暗室操作。 blog.sina.com.cn

She thought of her humid, stuffy darkroom.
她想起了自己那间闷热潮湿的暗室。 jukuu

So there was this whole period where the darkroom was not all that exciting, but the digital wasn't perfect.
所以在一段时期内,暗室不再风光,但是数码机还算不上完美。 yeeyan

Still, she says she never thought they would have much life outside her darkroom.
而且,她说她从没想过这些照片在暗房以外还有什么生命力。 yeeyan

The distributed network control system for the movement platform in the microwave darkroom is discussed in this paper.
本文讨论了一个基于分布式、网络化的微波暗室运动平台控制系统。 cnki

This paper studies perceived threshold contrast of saturated yellow and non- Color in the darkroom by the perceived threshold contrast experiment.
该文通过在暗室中进行的察觉阈限对比实验,对饱和黄色及无彩色的察觉阈限对比进行了研究。 dictall

This method has the disadvantages of low measuring precision, requiring environment of darkroom, and making eyes tired after a long- time testing.
此方法具有测量精度较低,使用环境要求暗室,长时间的测试容易使人眼疲劳等缺点。 cnki

Your subconscious darkroom is filled with great new ideas, so you don’t have to worry about replacing your old ones.
你的这座潜意识的暗室将被填满伟大的新理念,因此,你不必担心替换你的旧理念。 yeeyan




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