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Darfur 基本英英例句例句 n.达尔福尔苏丹西部一地区
Noun: an impoverished region of western Sudan;Darfur was a semi-independent sultanate until 1917 and is ethnically distinct from central Sudan 名词100% 用作名词One example listed is the continued violence in theDarfurarea of Sudan.例如在苏丹的达尔福尔常常发生暴力行为。 If properly managed, he says, there is already enough water to build peace inDarfur.他说如果处理得当,就会有足够的水来建立和平的达尔福尔。 The president even announced, dramatically, a ceasefire by government forces in Darfur. 总统甚至突然宣布了政府军队在达尔富尔的停火。 ecocn America played a big role in ending the war between north and south Sudan, but its efforts to douse the flames in Darfur have yet to succeed. 在结束南部苏丹和北部苏丹的战争中,美国也扮演了重要角色,但它试图熄灭达尔富尔动乱火焰的努力没有能够成功。 ecocn Another is to send peacekeepers as far away as to Lebanon and Darfur. 另一个表现是向远至黎巴嫩与达尔富尔等地派遣维和人员。 ecocn Besides, the UN needs Rwanda to continue with its deployment of troops to the UN mission in Darfur. 除此之外,联合国需要继续与卢旺达部队执行在达尔富尔的任务。 ecocn But in Darfur, the two organisations have competed to provide support for African peacekeepers. 而在达尔富尔,两个组织争相为非洲维和人员提供支持。 ecocn Compensation, the return of refugees to their homes and the appointment of a new vice- president for Darfur are all, apparently, on the table. 补偿问题、难民重返家园以及为达尔富尔任命一名新的副总统,至少看起来,都被提交讨论。 ecocn Fowler said if the administration is not ready to name a special Sudan envoy, it should task a senior diplomat to handle Darfur issues full-time on an interim basis. 福勒说,如果奥巴马政府现在还没有准备好提名一个苏丹特使, 那么,政府也应该临时派出一个高级外交官全职处理达尔富尔问题。 iciba He also called for peace in Zimbabwe, Congo, Darfur and Somalia. 他还呼吁津巴布韦、刚果、达尔富尔和索马里实现和平。 iciba He says it will mainly consist of Darfur refugees from eastern Chad's12 refugee camps. 他说,这将主要包括乍得东部12个难民营中的达尔富尔难民。 www.voanews.com.cn Linking the Darfur issue to the Olympic Games will not help to resolve this issue and is not in line with the Olympic spirit, which separates sports from politics. 将达尔富尔问题与奥运会联系在一起并不有助于该问题的解决,而且不符合将体育与政治分离开来的奥运精神。 yeeyan Many people see China as a superpower already, and they wonder: why is it not being more active in political resolution of issues such as Darfur or Iran? 很多人已视中国为超级大国,他们好奇:为什么中国不采取更积极的行动,政治解决诸如达尔富尔或者伊朗之类的问题? iciba Ostensibly orphans from the Darfur region of Sudan, destined for adoption in France, many turned out to be local children, and not orphans. 表面上看,来自苏丹达尔富尔地区的那些孤儿将前往法国,最后证实,这些人都还有家庭,并非孤儿。 yeeyan She recently wrote an article for Time magazine expressing outrage over the conflict in Darfur and gave an emotional address for World Refugee Day last week. 她最近写了一篇文章给时代杂志,对达尔富尔的冲突表达了愤慨,并在上周的世界难民日发表了令人感动的讲话。 kekenet Their wish to be nice to the regime in Khartoum means they have no interest in forcing it to mend its ways, by, for instance, imposing further sanctions over Darfur. 他们希望与在喀土穆的政权关系良好,这意味着他们对迫使其纠正路线毫无兴趣,例如通过对达尔富尔施加进一步制裁就能达到这一目的。 ecocn This photo story provides snapshots of the ways in which WHO is helping to provide health care for children at hospitals, clinics and IDP camps in Darfur. 本照片故事提供了关于世卫组织正在达尔富尔医院、诊所和国内流离失所者营地帮助向儿童提供卫生保健的方式的简短描述。 who Yet the wrangling over Darfur should not divert attention from southern Sudan. 然而,达尔富尔的争端不应当转移国际社会对苏丹南部的关注。 ecocn Darfur may also have benefited from the elections, albeit obliquely. 达尔富尔也可能从选举中受益,尽管是间接的。 ecocn The wars in Darfur and Somalia and between northern and southern Sudan all have roots in tribal competition for land and livestock. 发生在达尔富尔、索马里以及南北苏丹之间的战争都起源于因土地和牲畜而起的部落竞争。 yeeyan |