释义 |
Danish Landrace 基本例句 丹麦长白猪 Danish LandraceNORs were located on chromosome 10. The number of Ag-NORs were difference between two breeds.丹麦长白猪Ag-NOR仅定位于第10号染色体短臂次缢痕区。 枫泾猪、丹麦长白猪Ag-NOR颗粒数是有差别的。 Method:ElevenDanish Landracepigs,approximately 3 months old,35kg were selected to receive two level interbody fu-sions with cages.方法:11头体重约35kg的丹麦猪接受L3/4和L5/6两个节段的前路椎体间融合器植骨融合手术。 Path Analysis and Optimum Regression Equation of Reproductive Traits forDanish Landracesows丹系长白母猪繁殖性状通径分析及最优回归方程的建立 Use of Multi-trait Mixed Models for Estimating Genetic Parameters of Reproductive Traits inDanish Landrace利用多性状混合模型估计猪繁殖性状的遗传参数 Studies on Phenotypic Paramefers and Selection Inderes of Reproductive traits ofDanish Landrace丹系长白猪繁殖性状表型参数与选择指数的研究 Studies on Lactation Features and Nutritive Utilization in Sows ofDanish Landrace:丹麦长白猪泌乳特性及营养利用的研究 |