释义 |
Daniel Wu 基本例句 吴彦祖;中国演员 Zhou Xun also plays one of the lead roles in the film, acting alongside established Hong Kong actor Daniel Wu and rising Taiwan star Tong Yang. 周旋在这部电影中担任女主角。参加该影片演出的还有香港资深演员安东尼王和台湾新秀童杨。 blog.sina.com.cn Exclusively for Time Out, Daniel Wu talks to the duo about their lucrative franchise. Time Out专访,吴彦祖与两人关于他们这部高利润专利作品的对话。 douban I admired Daniel Wu really and more and more, this two days see one of his video frequency, hope and everyone share once. 我真的越来越佩服吴彦祖了,这两天看到他的一个视频,希望和大家分享一下。 mtime LobbyChina is a research blog about lobbying and government affairs, written by Daniel Wu. 游说中国,一个研究中国游说政治。政府公关的博客。 nanren8 Daniel Wu: Was Overheard2 always planned? Or did it only happen after the first movie? 吴彦祖:窃听风云2一开始就有计划吗?还是仅仅在第一部之后才产生? douban Daniel Wu Really can play! 吴彦祖真的太会玩了! mtime |