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dan·ger 英ˈdeɪndʒə美ˈdendʒɚAHDdānʹjər ★★★★☆初中高四研I牛4COCA¹⁹³⁷BNC¹⁴⁶³iWeb²⁵⁹⁴Economist¹⁸⁵¹ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 n.【U】危险n.【C】危险物或人;威胁¹⁰⁰复数dangers 军事
n.名词 UC危险,风险chance of suffering damage, loss, injury, etc.; risk C可能造成损伤、疼痛等的人或物; 危害person or thing that may cause damage, injury, pain, etc.; hazard Noun: the condition of being susceptible to harm or injury;you are in no danger there was widespread danger of disease a venture undertaken without regard to possible loss or injury;he saw the rewards but not the risks of crime there was a danger he would do the wrong thing a cause of pain or injury or loss;he feared the dangers of traveling by air a dangerous place;He moved out of danger n.名词 danger, hazard, peril, risk这组词都有“危险”的意思。danger是普通用语,含义很广,泛指任何可能发生的伤害或不良后果,适用于一切危险,如受害的遭遇、受害、受伤或丧命的可能性等; risk也属常用词,与danger相比,一般指难以预料的危险,常作“风险”解; hazard是正式用语,也指难以预料又无法控制的危险,但远不如danger和risk使用广泛; peril也属正式用语,常指严重而紧急的危险,多见于文学作品中。例如: High flood waters put the town in danger.汹涌的河水使这个城市岌岌可危。 In war a soldier's life is full of danger.在战争中,士兵的生命是充满危险的。 He saved my life at the risk of losing his own.他冒着生命的危险拯救了我。 You have to take a lot of risks in my job.你不得不为我的工作担许多风险。 I will try it at all hazards.我要不顾一切地试试。 There would have been no triumph in success, had there been no hazard of failure.要是没有失败的危险就不会有凯旋的欢乐。 The city is in peril!该城危在旦夕! The ship was in imminent peril of being wrecked.那只船有立即撞沉的危险。下面两个短语意思不同:in danger 处于危险中 at danger 处于有危险的地方 danger,risk,hazard,menace,peril,threat这些名词均含有“危险、威胁”之意。 danger含义广,普通用词,指能够造成伤害、损害或不利的任何情况。 risk指有可能发生的危险,尤指主动进行某种活动或去碰运气而冒的危险。 hazard比risk正式,多指偶然发生的或无法控制的危险,常含较严重或有一定风险的意味。 menace所指的危险性最严重,表示使用暴力或造成破坏性的可能。 peril指迫在眉睫很有可能发生的严重危险。 threat普通用词,语气弱于menace,指任何公开侵犯对方的言行,给对方构成危险或威胁。 来自法语,来自拉丁语dominus, 统治,主人,词源同domino, domineer. 原指君主的权力,君主的威严,引申义危险。参照汉语成语伴君如伴虎。拼写参照同源词daunt. 用作名词 n. 动词+~avoid danger避免危险brave danger不顾危险,不怕危险dare danger敢于承担风险escape danger脱离危险,逃脱危险face danger面临危险fight danger和危险作斗争guard against danger防止危险increase danger增加危险put in danger处于危险之中prevent danger防止危险realize the danger意识到危险recognize a danger认识到危险remove the danger消除危险run the danger冒险sense the danger意识到危险形容词+~approaching danger渐渐迫近的危险certain danger某种危险future danger未来的危险great danger很大的危险immediate danger直接威胁national danger国难possible danger可能出现的危险public danger公众的危险real danger真正的危险serious danger严重的危险some danger某种危险名词+~fire danger火灾危险flood danger水灾危险world danger世界性危险介词+~in danger处在危险中out of danger脱险~+介词danger from disease来自疾病的危险danger from fire来自火灾的危险danger from floods来自水灾的危险danger of death死亡的危险danger of losing one's life有丧命的危险danger of situation形势的危险danger to health对健康有威胁danger to peace对和平的威胁danger to society对社会的危险 用作名词n.danger in做某事〔物〕危险 be dangerous in sth or doing sth danger in sth/v-ingThough the bridge is a bit rickety, there is no immediate danger in walking over it.桥虽然有点摇晃,但在上面走还不会有什么危险。 There is danger in their seeing us.他们看见了我们就危险了。danger money危险工作津贴 extra pay for dangerous work danger of危险 chance of suffering damage, loss, injury, etc.; risk danger of sth/v-ingThe small craft was exposed to the danger of the open sea.那只小船曾经历了在空旷的海洋里穿行的种种危险。 Chain smokers don't care about the dangers of smoking.烟鬼似乎不在乎吸烟带来的种种危害。 The rocks are a danger to shipping.暗礁对于航运是一个危险的东西。 The doctor alerted me to the danger of not getting enough sleep.医生警告我要注意睡眠不足的危险性。 He is sensible of the danger of his position.他发觉他处境危险。danger to危害,威胁 a case or cause of danger danger to sb/sthThe flood was a danger to the livelihood of the inhabitants there.水灾对那里居民的生计是个威胁。 Tidal wave is a danger to navigation.海啸对航海来说是一大威胁。 He is a danger to the public.他对于大众是个危险人物。in danger在危险中,有…的危险 in the dangerous state in danger of/from sth/v-ingHer life was in danger.她生命垂危。 In a moment Mr. Fison realized that he was in danger.菲森先生马上就意识到他处境的危险。 You are in danger of catching cold.你有患感冒的危险。 He is in danger of losing his job.他有失业的危险。 My friend is in danger of losing his life.我的朋友生命垂危。 The building is in imminent danger of collapsing.这楼危在旦夕,就要倒塌了。 You are in no danger from cold if you take a cold bath every day.坚持每天进行冷水浴你就不会有感冒的危险了。 Little did he know that he was in danger from his own family.他想不到他自己的家里人会坑害他。on the danger list病危 very ill and near to death out of danger脱离危险 not in danger without danger没危险 undangerous 小学英语速记音律记忆:老虎一anger愤怒,真的很danger危险非常记忆dang挡+er儿⇒他帮儿子挡住了危险近义词 riskperilhazardthreatjeopardyuncertainty反义词 safetysecurity 用作名词n.In case of danger, raise the electric alarm.如果有危险,就拉响电动警报器。 In time of war a soldier's life is full of danger.战争年代里,一个军人的生命充满了危险。 At night the city is full ofdangers.夜间城里到处都可能有危险。 Although he was warned of the danger, he adhered to his plans to climb the mountain alone.虽然他被警告有危险,但他仍然坚持其独自爬山的计划。 We will dare hardships anddangers.我们不怕艰辛与危险。 The prisoner had discovered the danger and was now working very quietly.那个犯人已察觉了危险,这时他的动作特别小心了。 A surge of anger blinded him to his own danger.他怒火中烧,忘了自身的危险。 He was delivered from danger.他从危险中被救了出来。 A policeman could meet danger any minute of his working day.警察在工作日的任何时刻都可能有危险。 There's no danger ahead.前面没有危险。 The greater thedanger, the braver you should be.危险越大,你就应该越勇敢。 Give me thedangers.不要优柔寡断! 把这些风险交给我。Pendangervt.危及Pdangerousa.危险的Pdangerouslyad.危险不安全
danger的基本意思是“危险”,指受到威胁的状态或事实,也指这种威胁的原因或来源。danger所指的“危险”一般是预想中可能发生的,但不一定不可避免或已迫在眉睫。 泛指“危险”时, danger是不可数名词,指具体的“危险”或“危险物”“可能造成损伤、疼痛等的人”时,是可数名词。 danger如有非谓语动词修饰时,后接“of+动名词”,不接动词不定式。 名词100% 用作名词She was on thedangerlist, but is much better now.她曾一度病危,现在好多了。 The operation is a success and now the patient is out ofdanger.手术成功了,病人现在已脱离危险。用作名词Violent criminals like that aredangersto society.那种暴力罪犯对社会是一种危害。 A gun could be regarded as adangerwhen it's in a criminal's hand.当枪在罪犯手里的时候就成为危险物品了。 But there is a realdangerfacing this important ecosystem.但是这个重要的生态系统正面临着严重威胁。 The village was evacuated because of thedangerof a flood.由于洪水的威胁,村里人都已撤走了。noun.hazard, troublesome situation 同义词 crisis,emergency,exposure,insecurity,instability,jeopardy,menace,peril,pitfall,possibility,probability,risk,threat,uncertainty,vulnerabilityclouds,dynamite,endangerment,exigency,precariousness,precipice,slipperiness,storm,venturedouble trouble,hot potato,risky business,thin ice 反义词 calm,certainty,peace,safety,security,sureness,unlikelihoodcare,carefulness,guard,preservation awkwardnessnoun difficulty bulkiness,chanciness,cumbersomeness,hazardousness,inconvenience,peril,perilousness,risk,troublesomeness,uncomfortableness,unhandiness,unmanageability,unwieldiness bad newsnoun trouble bind,bother,concern,danger,deep trouble,difficulty,dilemma,dire straits,disappointment,distress,grief,headache,hindrance,hot water,inconvenience,mess,misfortune,nuisance,pain,predicament,problem,struggle,torment,woe hardshipnoun personal burden Herculean task,accident,adversity,affliction,asperity,austerity,calamity,case,catastrophe,curse,danger,destitution,difficulty,disaster,discomfort,distress,drudgery,fatigue,grief,grievance,hard knocks,hazard,injury,labor,mischance,misery,misfortune,need,oppression,peril,persecution,privation,rainy day,rigor,rotten luck,sorrow,suffering,toil,torment,tough break,tough luck,travail,trial,tribulation,trouble,uphill battle,vicissitude,want,worry hardshipsnoun personal burden Herculean tasks,accidents,adversities,afflictions,asperities,austerities,calamities,cases,catastrophes,curses,dangers,destitution,difficulties,disasters,discomforts,distress,drudgery,fatigue,griefs,grievances,hard knocks,hazards,injuries,labors,mischances,miseries,misfortunes,needs,oppressions,perils,persecutions,privations,rainy days,rigors,rotten lucks,sorrows,sufferings,toil,torments,tough breaks,tough lucks,travails,trials,tribulations,troubles,uphill battles,vicissitudes,want,worries indignationnoun anger animus,boiling point,danger,displeasure,exasperation,fury,huff,ire,mad,miff,pique,rage,resentment,rise,scorn,slow burn,umbrage,wrath pitfallnoun hazard, trap booby trap,catch,danger,deadfall,difficulty,downfall,drawback,entanglement,hook,mesh,mousetrap,peril,pit,quicksand,risk,setup,snag,snare,swindle,toil,web The obvious danger for the president is that there will be a next time, and that his luck will run out. 对代比总统而言,最明显的危险是将会有下一次袭击,而现在的这种运气也许将会失去。 ecocn The danger lies in its unpredictability. Yet that may also be a reason for hope. 危险就在于其不可预测性,而这也可能是希望尚存的一个原因吧。 yeeyan There’s always worry because of the danger and loneliness from the separation, along with many other complex emotions. 总会因为危险和分离的孤独感到担心,同时还有一些其他许多复杂的情感。 yeeyan And that huge uncertainty, I think, is the biggest danger in the markets right now. 这样巨大的不确定性,我认为,就是现在市场上的最大的危险。 yeeyan But I never felt threatened or in any danger. 但是我从未感受到威胁或任何危险性。 yeeyan But I'm not for kids putting themselves in danger. 但是我不支持孩子们把自己投入危险中。 yeeyan If, under Clause31, the Employer shall employ other Contractors on the Site, he shall require them to have the same regard for safety and avoidance of danger. 如果根据第31条的规定,业主在现场还雇佣其他承包人时,业主应要求这样的承包人在安全和避免危险方面负有同样的责任。 hxen My famous nose allows me to smell food or danger! and lets me talk to my friends. 我著名的鼻子使得我能闻食物或嗅到危险! ,并且让我和朋友交谈。 eol My gang was nothing more than a bunch of kids seeking excitement and danger. 我的帮派无非就是由一群寻找刺激和危险的小毛孩组成。 yeeyan Not only does the model predict where lizards should be disappearing; it also predicts where they should not be in danger. 鲍尔说,“模型不仅预言了蜥蜴会在哪里灭绝,而且预言了它们不应该在哪里有危险。” yeeyan Once being in danger of life, he would hit on the way to escape. 一旦到了有生命危险的关键时刻,他总能灵机一动想出逃脱的方法。《21世纪大英汉词典》 She was delivered out of the danger. 她已从危险中被救出了。《21世纪大英汉词典》 Some animals feign death when in danger. 有些动物在危险时装死。《21世纪大英汉词典》 The biggest danger, however, lies within. 然而最大的危险在内部。 ecocn They cautioned him against danger. 他们告诫他谨防危险。《新英汉大辞典》 This was not the only danger signal. 这不是唯一的危险信号。 ecocn What is the danger level for humans and radioactivity? 对人类的危险程度和放射性是什么? yeeyan When I hear music, I fear no danger. 当我听音乐时,我不再害怕危险。 yeeyan |