释义 |
Dandeli 基本例句 n.登代利在印度;东经 74º42' 北纬 15º18' DandeliArt Space is proudly introducing a very creative artist and her abstrac art with “breathing” feel.丹德力艺术空间向您推荐颇具才华的艺术家郭齐和她充满呼吸感的艺术作品。 Dandelihopes to draw upon the power and charisma that lies within the arts to assist more people to enjoy arts while showcasing original Chinese arts to the world.画廊在展示和传播高水准原创艺术作品的同时,亦注重社会公益事业的发展,希望借助艺术的力量和魅力,让更多个体从中受益。 Dandeliis a partner of the Cool Family, which is made up of a photo studio, theatre, restaurant, multi-functional space and the home office of CNEX, an incubator for modern Chinese documentary films.画廊的专业人员可以为您策划和组织各种文化艺术交流活动、企业公关活动、新闻发布会、年会以及私人聚会和各种主题活动,如婚礼、生日、纪念日等。 |