

释义 DAMPS dæmps
=Data Acquisition Multi-Programming System 数据采集多路程序设计系统
A succession of dull days damps down the spirits.
连续数日的阴天会让人情绪低落。 blog.sina.com.cn

The engineering practice and researches show that the inner force distribution on the rod is not uniform, axial force and shear force distribution damps to the root.
工程实践和研究表明,锚固段的内力沿杆长分布是不均匀的,杆体轴力和剪力集度均向根部衰减。 cnki

Based on the equivalent linearization of friction damps, the probability distribution of the steady-state responses are obtained;
基于摩擦阻尼等效线性化,给出了系统稳态位移和速度响应的概率分布; cnki

China’s short-term prospects thus depend on how quickly the government damps down the lending frenzy.
中国的短期发展前景决定于政府能够多快地摆脱借贷狂潮。 yeeyan

Internal Damping damps out any ringing or vibrations in the cone structure that would otherwise color the sound.
内部阻尼将任何在锥体结构中的鸣响或震动阻挡出去,否则会产生杂音。 xinheaudio

The results indicate that the perforated distribution plate not only effects the distribution of the total pressure but also damps the combustion instability of high frequency.
结果表明,整流栅除了影响燃气入口总压的均匀性之外,还可起到抑制高频燃烧不稳定性的作用。 cnki

You will see how quickly it damps.




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