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词汇 agitate
释义 ag·i·tate 英ˈædʒɪˌteɪt美ˈædʒɪˌtetAHDăjʹĭ-tāt' ★☆☆☆☆高四研GMST宝八COCA¹⁸⁶⁵³BNC⁵⁶³²¹iWeb¹⁶¹⁵⁰Economist¹⁶⁹⁴³

vi & vt. 激烈争论; 鼓励,煽动

argue strongly for sth you want, especially for changes in a law, in social conditions, etc.

vt. 激怒; 使激动

make sb feel angry, anxious or nervous

vt. 搅动; 摇动液体等

make sth especially a liquid move around by stirring or shaking it

try to stir up public opinioncause to be agitated, excited, or roused;

The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks

exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for;

The liberal party pushed for reforms

She is crusading for women's rights

The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate

move very slightly;

He shifted in his seat

move or cause to move back and forth;

The chemist shook the flask vigorously

My hands were shaking

change the arrangement or position of
agitate, disturb, perturb, upset


disturb有时并不意味着使受扰的人动了感情; perturb的意思是“把…扰得紊乱不安”,使受扰乱者焦急烦恼; agitate强调使受扰乱者感情激动甚至不能克制自己; upset的意思是使人心绪烦乱,感觉不舒服,或打乱预定的安排。

agitate for, advocate, air, preach

这组词语都有“鼓吹”的意思。其区别在于:preach指认为正当或有价值而极力主张; advocate指公开宣扬一种计划或主张; agitate for则指公开极力宣扬或强烈反对某些政治或社会变革; 而air则指大声宣扬自己的思想、观点或抱怨等。







发音释义:'ædʒɪteɪt vt. 摇动;骚动;使…激动vi. 煽动
结构分析:agitate = agit摇动+ate动词后缀→煽动
用作动词 v.
~+名词agitate one's fan扇扇子agitate cement搅拌水泥agitate the antiapartheid question热烈讨论反种族隔离问题
词根ag-动, 移动, 活动,驱动,行动,作用,做事 来自拉丁语,过去分词形式为act-。它和希腊词根agon-竞赛,竞争及agog-引领,驱动最终都源自原始印欧语词根*ag-动。
ag动+it反复动词形式-ate…的过去分词后缀,在此用作动词后缀→使反复动→煽动,摇动⇒使激动,骚动。非常记忆ag阿哥〖拼音〗+itIT〖编码〗+ate吃〖熟词〗⇒阿哥煽动IT男吃土词根记忆ag做+ itate表示不断的动作→ 不断地做 ⇒搅动,煽动词根记忆ag+ate表动作=反复作=鼓动近义词 shakeupsetexcitedisturb反义词 calmquiet
S+~+AThey were agitating against reform.他们鼓动反对进行改革。
As a young man, he had agitated against the Vietnam war.作为一个年轻人,他强烈反对越南战争。
That group is agitating against higher taxes.那群人发起反对增税的运动。
The paper agitated for better housing.这家报纸鼓吹要改善住房条件。
They agitated strongly for better conditions for pensioners.他们强烈要求为领取养老金的人提供更好的条件。
The workers were agitating for higher wages.工人们鼓动着要求加薪。
Her family are agitating to have her transferred to a prison in the UK.她的家人正多方游说把她转到英国监狱。
S+~+ n./pron.He has rich experience in agitating the people.他有宣传鼓动人们的丰富经验。
Anti-slavery leaders agitated the question of slavery for many years.反对奴隶制的领袖们就奴隶制问题进行了多年的激烈争论。
Her speech agitated the crowd.她的演说使群众情绪激动。
I don't want to agitate him unduly.我不想让他过分焦急。
This remark seemed to agitate her guest.这句话似乎激怒了她的客人。
The news will only agitate him—let's wait till tomorrow to tell him.这消息只会使他不安——让我们等到明天再告诉他。
The wind agitated the leaves of trees.风吹动树叶。
The hurricane winds agitated the sea.阵阵飓风掀起惊涛骇浪。
A mixer agitates the cement until it is ready to pour.搅拌器搅拌水泥,直至可以用来灌注。
Agitate the mixture to dissolve the powder.搅动混合剂使粉末溶化。
Ella pours in the chemicals and begins agitating the tank.埃拉倒进化学制剂,然后用力搅动桶里的液体。
Pour the powder into the solution and agitate it until the powder has dissolved.将粉末倒入溶液并摇动,真到粉末溶解。
I was agitated at the news.这个消息使我焦虑不安。
Uncle Jack seems strangely agitated.杰克大叔似乎很奇怪地坐立不安。
She was much agitated by his sudden appearance at the party.她因他突然出现在聚会上而甚感不安。
She was deeply agitated until she learnt that her husband was safe.她一直深感不安,直到得知她丈夫得救的消息才放心。
He became quite agitated when he was asked about his criminal past.当问到他过去犯罪的历史时,他变得十分焦虑不安。
The tree was agitated violently by the wind.风使树摇晃得厉害。Pagitatedlyad.激动地焦虑地Pagitateda.不安/焦虑的激烈辩论的热烈讨论的颤抖的


agitate的基本意思是“搅动”或“摇动”,主要用于液体,含猛烈、持久的意味。agitate 用于人时指感情的扰动或激动,即强调明显的精神紧张或情绪激动的迹象。可指“激怒某人”,也可指“鼓励; 煽动; 激烈争论”。作后者解时主要用于涉及社会状况改变或法律时。

agitate作“激怒; 使不安”解时用作及物动词; 作“激烈争论”解时可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。作“鼓励; 煽动”解时用作不及物动词, agitate against意为“鼓动反对”; agitate for意为“鼓动争取”。

用作动词They sent agents toagitatethe local people.他们派遣情报人员煽动当地的民众。
Agitate the mixture to dissolve the powder.搅动混合物而使粉末溶化。
He wasagitatedabout his wife's health.他为他妻子的健康感到不安。
He became quiteagitatedwhen he was asked about his criminal past.当问到他过去的犯罪历史时,他变得十分焦虑不安。verb.shake physically
同义词 disturbbeat,churn,concuss,convulse,rock,rouse,stir,toss
反义词 calmlull,not bother,quiet,soothe,tranquilizeverb.disturb, trouble someone
同义词 alarm,confuse,disconcert,distract,disturb,excite,fluster,incite,inflame,perturb,work upargue,arouse,bug,craze,debate,discompose,discuss,dispute,disquiet,examine,ferment,flurry,move,rouse,ruffle,spook,stimulate,stir,trouble,unhinge,upset,ventilate,worrybug up,burn up,egg on,get to,make flip,psych,push buttons,turn on
反义词 appease,calm,clarify,comfort,discourage,explain,order,organize,pacify,quiet,reassure,soothe,tranquilize,agree,go along,pleaselullnot bother
angerverb make someone mad;become mad
acerbate,affront,aggravate,annoy,antagonize,arouse,bait,blow up,boil,boil over,bristle,burn,burn up,chafe,craze,cross,displease,egg on,embitter,enrage,exacerbate,exasperate,excite,fret,gall,get mad,get on one's nerves,goad,incense,inflame,infuriate,irritate,lose one's temper,madden,make sore,miff,nettle,offend,outrage,pique,provoke,raise hell,rankle,rant,rave,rile,ruffle,seethe,steam up,stew,stir up,tempt,umbrage,vex
angeringverb make someone mad;become mad
acerbating,affronting,aggravating,agitating,annoying,antagonizing,arousing,baiting,blowing up,boiling,boiling over,bristling,burning,burning up,chafing,crazing,crossing,displeasing,egg on,embittering,enraging,exacerbating,exasperating,exciting,fretting,galling,getting mad,getting on one's nerves,goading,incensing,inflaming,infuriating,irritating,losing one's temper,maddening,making sore,miffing,nettling,offending,outraging,piquing,provoking,raising hell,rankling,ranting,raving,riling,ruffling,seething,steaming up,stewing,stirring up,tempting,umbraging,vexing
angersverb make someone mad;become mad
acerbates,affronts,aggravates,agitates,annoys,antagonizes,arouses,baits,blows up,boils,boils over,bristles,burns,burns up,chafes,crazes,crosses,displeases,egg on,embitters,enrages,exacerbates,exasperates,excites,frets,galls,gets mad,gets on one's nerves,goads,incenses,inflames,infuriates,irritates,loses one's temper,maddens,makes sore,miffs,nettles,offends,outrages,piques,provokes,raises hell,rankles,rants,raves,riles,ruffles,seethes,steams up,stews,stirs up,tempts,umbrages,vexes
annoyverb irritate, upset
T-off,abrade,agitate,ask for it,badger,be at,be on the back of,bedevil,beleaguer,bore,bother,break,bug,burn up,chafe,displease,distress,disturb,egg on,exasperate,fire up,gall,get,gnaw,harass,harry,heat up,henpeck,hit where one lives,irk,madden,make waves,miff,nag,needle,nettle,nudge,peeve,perturb,pester,plague,provoke,push button,ride,rile,ruffle,tease,tick off,trouble,turn off,vex,work on,worry
annoysverb irritate, upset
T-offs,abrades,agitates,asks for it,badgers,bears,bedevils,beleaguers,bothers,breaks,bugs,burns up,chafes,displeases,distresses,disturbs,egg on,exasperates,fires up,galls,gets,gnaws,harasses,harries,heats up,henpecks,hits where one lives,irks,is at,is on the back of,maddens,makes waves,miffs,nags,needles,nettles,nudges,peeves,perturbs,pesters,plagues,provokes,pushes button,rides,riles,ruffles,teases,ticks off,troubles,turns off,vexes,works on,worries
argueverb discuss, dispute
agitate,canvass,clarify,debate,discuss,dispute,expostulate,hold,maintain,question,reason,remonstrate,talk about Do certain activities agitate you?
某些活动会不会使你激动起来呢? yeeyan

In the meantime, people like Allen Frances will agitate for the number of diagnoses and their scope to be reduced.
届时,像艾伦·福朗瑟斯一样的人们将会因书中诊断词条的数量和缩减余地而忧虑。 yeeyan

The mission of the organization is to agitate against nuclear weapons.
这个组织的使命是鼓动反对核武器。 kuenglish

The sight of your child would agitate you and do you harm.
您看见孩子,会兴奋,会影响您的身体。 ebigear

Add1 ml solution C Nessler's reagent to25 ml water sample. Agitate the mixture for20 sec.
加1亳升的 C溶液奈氏试剂进25亳升的样本中,把混合液摇动20秒。 dictall

As that pressure builds, tectonic tremors can agitate chambers.
当这种压力形成时,构造震动会引起岩浆室的激荡。 yeeyan

Authorities have so far allowed workers at the Honda plants to organize and agitate for better pay, but workers say the police are keeping them under close watch.
当局至已批准在本田工厂为争取加薪进行有组织的罢工,但工人说,警方正在密切注视他们。 yeeyan

But for one whose privilege it was to agitate that ocean of human waves, how many were received with a look of indifference or a sneer of disdain!
虽然你有权利可以在这儿激起人海的波浪,但多数人却只得到了漠视的一瞥或轻蔑的一笑! kuenglish

Don't agitate yourself, Louisa.
你别太激动了,路易莎。 kekenet

Given the threat of litigation if they err, no wonder directors agitate and leak in order to get their way.
考虑到他们如果一旦犯错将有可能被提起诉讼,董事为求自保而心存二心并泄露机密,也就不足为奇了。 ecocn

In Washington, it is often fear of China's increasing military strength that gets lawmakers and top government officials to agitate against deals.
华盛顿经常担心中国日益增长的军事力量,使立法者们和最高层政府官员鼓动反对这些交易。 yeeyan

Not only does this statement depart from India’s historic NPT opposition, but it also could agitate nuclear diplomacy in 2010.
该声明不仅违背了印度历来反对 NPT那些人的意见,而且会引起2010年核外交的激烈争论。 yeeyan

Remove the hot metal with tongs, and plunge it into the cooing solution. Agitate so that the metal cools quickly and evenly.
用夹钳将热金属拿出,将其投入冷溶液中。搅动,使金属迅速、均匀冷却。 kuenglish

Sources say there“ is absolutely no chance” Rooney will agitate for a move from Old Trafford to Eastlands again next summer.
有消息称“这简直匪夷所思”,明年夏天,鲁尼还会发布要去曼城的言论。 yeeyan

Stir or agitate the coating sample to assure uniform temperature and density.
搅动和摇动涂料样品以保证统一的温度和密度。 asiacoat

Tell him not to agitate himself.

The lack of co-ordination on the part of these hikers, particularly after being forewarned, indicates an intent to agitate and create publicity regarding international policies on Iran.
这几个旅行者拒绝合作,对他们的警告不起作用,因此他们有可能故意这么做,为的是制造国际社会对于伊朗的公众舆论。 yeeyan

Then, with the handle either still attached or removed, the ball becomes a plaything that users can roll, kick and have fun with to agitate the clothing within.
滚至水源点后,可以取下手柄,也可以不取下手柄。这种洗衣机变成可以滚,可以踢的球,同时也可以嬉戏着搅动衣物。 yeeyan

These were reforms for which they were prepared to agitate.

Whenever I think of my mother's ardent expectations of me, my heart would agitate, as ripples rise over a calm lake, once and again by the promise I made.
每当我想起母亲对我殷切的期望时,平静的心湖便油然泛起涟漪,那是我一遍遍地重温自己应有的承诺。 wxtsg




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