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词汇 Daliushu
释义 Daliushu
There is a large scale of dynam-relaxed rock mass lies inDaliushudam site.大柳树坝址区存在大面积、大范围的岩体松动破坏现象。
At last, the paper reaches the following conclusion: the DaLiuShu dame site district belongs to the unstable site.最后,本文得出结论:大柳树坝址区属于不稳定场地。
There is a large scale of dynam-relaxed rock mass lies in DaLiushu dam site of Yellow River.大柳树坝址区存在大面积、大范围的岩体松动现象。
There is a large scale of dynam-relaxed rock mass lies in DaLiushu dam site of Huanghe River.黄河黑山峡大柳树坝址区存在大范围的岩体松动破坏现象,其主要特征是岩体应力释放,结构面张开,密度显著下降。
Cold Food Festival the following day the second year,晋文公to Mianshan Jie martyredDaliushudown to mourn, were found burned to deathDaliushuhave give birth to a new switchgrass.第二年寒食节的翌日,晋文公到绵山介子推殉难的大柳树下来吊祭,发现被烧死的大柳树上已生出了新的柳枝。
This system is applied to analyze the stability of surrounding rock in diversion tunnel of theDaliushuHydro Project.The application shows that the system is effective and practical.该评价方法被应用到黄河大柳树水电站导流洞围岩稳定性综合评价中,其结果得到了实际工程的检验,说明该方法有一定的适用价值。




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