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词汇 daisy
释义 dai·sy 英ˈdeɪziː美ˈdeziAHDdāʹzē

any of numerous composite plants having flower heads with well-developed ray flowers usually arranged in a single whorl雏菊是意大利的国花,外观雅致,花朵娇小玲珑,色彩和谐,十分逗人喜爱。意大利人认为它代表了君子风度和天真浪漫,因此推举为国花。雏菊的花心像太阳,花瓣像太阳的光芒,因此又被称为小小向日葵。传说它的花瓣清晨绽放,傍晚闭合,因此英国人称它为day’s eye白天的眼睛,后来简化为单词daisy。daisy cutter举足甚近地之马…daisy chain雏菊花环daisy wheel打字机、打印机的…Michaelmas daisy〈植〉紫苑yellow daisyblack-eyed…Irish daisy蒲公英daisy chain bus菊花链总线,串级链总…daisy chaining cable菊花链式电缆…daisy chaining串级链接English daisy雏菊Bellis …daisy Mae澳大利亚测高计…daisy ham去骨熏腿oxeye daisy春白菊,滨菊,法兰西…daisy wheel printer菊瓣字轮式打印机…Shasta daisy大滨菊upsy-daisy(扶起跌倒的小孩或将…push up the daisies死去而被葬掉…fresh as a daisy精神抖擞oops-a-daisy(帮助别人爬过或上到…ups-a-daisy(扶起跌倒的小孩或将…
词源解释雏菊是意大利的国花,外观雅致,花朵娇小玲珑,色彩和谐,十分逗人喜爱。意大利人认为它代表了君子风度和天真浪漫,因此推举为国花。雏菊的花心像太阳,花瓣像太阳的光芒,因此又被称为小小向日葵。传说它的花瓣清晨绽放,傍晚闭合,因此英国人称它为day’s eye白天的眼睛,后来简化为单词daisy。
用作名词I prefer thedaisyand the knapweed in particular.我特别喜欢雏菊和矢车菊。as in.freckle
同义词 blemish,blotch,moledot,lentigo,macula,patch,pepper,pigmentation,pit,pock,pockmark,speck,speckle,sprinkle,stippleas in.sissy
同义词 baby,chicken,coward,crybaby,jellyfish,milksop,namby-pamby,pansy,pantywaist,pushover,wimp,wusscream puff,mama's boy,yellowbellyas in.wimp
同义词 coward,crybaby,pushoverbaby,chicken,featherweight,jellyfish,loser,milksop,namby-pamby,pansy,pantywaist,schlemiel,sissy,wusschickenheart,cream puff,fraidy-cat,lily liver,mama's boy,scaredy-cat,wussy,yellowbelly
frecklenoun small discoloration on skin
blemish,blotch,dot,lentigo,macula,mole,patch,pepper,pigmentation,pit,pock,pockmark,speck,speckle,sprinkle,stipple A crisp white blouse was paired with a slim single-fold black pencil skirt with a daisy for daytime sophistication.
一件轻薄的白色宽松上衣,搭配细长的绣着雏菊的黑色单层铅笔裙作为混搭日装。 hjenglish

In Tom and Daisy Buchanan, Fitzgerald created the very image of callous, upper-class destroyers.
菲茨杰拉德笔下的的汤姆和黛西,正是冷酷的上层社会破坏分子的形象。 ecocn

Meanwhile, Sweets struggles to maintain a casual relationship with Daisy, and Cam discovers a surprising and emotional connection to the Amelia Rose.
Sweets跟 Daisy保持着微妙而纠结的关系,而 Cam则同亚美利亚号产生了意想不到的感情联系。 hjenglish

Only first they carried little Thumbelina down from the tree and placed her on a daisy.
他们带着她从树上飞下来,把她放在一朵雏菊上面。 ebigear

The little daisy was as happy as if the day had been a great holiday, but it was only Monday.
小雏菊快乐得就像在过一个不寻常的假日,但这天只是星期一。 yeeyan

The yellow centre in the daisy did indeed look like gold, while the little petals shone as brightly as silver.
小雏菊的黄色花芯确实看起来像金子,而小花瓣则像银子般发亮。 yeeyan

There are merely71 remaining specimens of Scalesia affinis, a small tree with white, daisy- like flowers, on Santa Cruz island.
Scalesia是圣克鲁兹岛上一种花朵与白色雏菊花十分相似的小树,如今只剩下了17株。 ecocn

Along the way he is haunted by memories of his former lover, Daisy.
一路上他都被过去和爱人黛西的回忆所纠缠。 icxo

Even the midwife was shocked when she weighed Daisy.
当称出黛西的体重时,连助产妇都震惊了。 huanqiu

' From the tap, I suppose,' said Daisy.
“我猜是从水龙头里来。”黛西回答道。 hjenglish

He's right, Daisy has recently started saying things such as“Let's have a family hug!”
他是对的,黛西最近开始说这些东西,比如“我们来个家庭拥抱吧!” yeeyan

I tried to keep a bottle back, but Lupin got hold of it, and took it to the side- table with Daisy and Frank Mutlar.

James and Daisy raised their son to handle himself like a gentleman, teaching him the sophisticated manners and speech that earned him the nickname“ Duke”.
詹姆斯和黛西希望把他们的儿子养成一位绅士,于是教会他繁琐的上层礼节和用语,而使他后来赢得了“公爵”这一称谓。 yeeyan

My Dear Daisy, you have grown up!
黛丝,你终于长大成人了。 ebigear

My husband was furious and now we have agreed to keep up a united front until after Daisy has started her new school.
我的丈夫很恼怒,现在我们同意形成统一战线,直到黛西开学。 yeeyan

Perhaps it was the Saturday when the big strawberry wore a daisy hat that I began to think, how can I top this?
或许是在那个星期六,在一个大草莓上放一个雏菊做帽子之后,我开始在想:我怎么才能够超过它? ebigear

Thanks, Daisy.
谢谢,黛丝。 ebigear

The piece of turf, with the little daisy in it, was thrown out on the dusty highway.
那块带着小雏菊的草皮,被扔出在灰尘弥漫的公路。 yeeyan

The star of The Shawshank Redemption and Driving Miss Daisy wanted to adapt Mandela's autobiography, Long Walk To Freedom, but the book was too big.
这位《肖申克的救赎》和《为戴茜小姐开车》中的巨星曾经想改编 Mandela自传片《 Long Walk To Freedom》,但此书过于宏大。 yeeyan

They came straight towards the little daisy, which could not understand what they wanted.
他们直朝着不懂他们要干嘛的小雏菊走来。 yeeyan

Tropical fish and coral, Daisy's Drop-off.
在黛西潜水点拍到的热带鱼和珊瑚。 kekenet

Within a month, Daisy threw a tantrum when I tried to wrestle her into pants.
一个月之内,当我再试图让 Daisy穿裤子的时候,她就开始大发脾气。 yeeyan

Daisy, our milk cow, all but tore the barn lot up and refused to give any milk that night.
奶牛黛西差点把谷仓给掀了,那天晚上一滴奶都没出。 yeeyan




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