

单词 dairies
释义 dair·y 英'deəri美'deri COCA⁵³⁶⁰⁸BNC²⁹³³⁷Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

a company that sells milk and makes and sells foods that are made from milk, for example butter and cheese


a building on a farm where milk is kept and where foods such as butter and cheese are made


dairy products

A 牛奶的;奶制的

made from milk

A 产乳品的;产乳的

involved or used in producing milk or foods made from milk

a farm where dairy products are produceddiary,dairy,daily


diary日记a daily record of events in one's life或“日记本”。

dairy“牛奶店”或“乳品场” a place where milk,butter or cheese is produced or sold。

daily/日报newspaper sold every day;它亦可用作形容词和副词,表示“每日”every day之意。

用作形容词 adj.
~+名词dairy cows〔cattle〕奶牛dairy farm奶牛场dairy farmer奶牛场场主dairy products 乳制品;奶类产品
近义词 diary日记daily每日的dairy farm乳牛场
用作名词n.He ran his father's dairy in Amesville.他在埃姆斯维尔经营他父亲的牛奶公司。
I bought this cheese at the dairy.我从乳品店买来这块奶酪。
They sell milk and butter at the dairy.牛奶场出售牛奶和黄油。
There are many dairies in Holland.荷兰有很多牛奶场。
The doctor has told me to avoid dairy.医生已经告诉我不要吃乳制品。用作形容词adj.


用作名词Milk, butter and cheese are brought in here fromdairyfarms .牛奶、奶油、奶酪从牛奶场运到这里。
With the newly-imported equipment, thedairycan upgrade their milk to the required standard.有了新进口的设备,乳品厂可以使新生产的牛奶达到要求。
The yogurt sold by thisdairyis delicious.这家乳品店出售的酸奶非常好喝。
Go and buy me some cleese at thedairy.去乳品店帮我买些奶酷。
My hometown produces manydairyproducts.我的家乡富产乳制品。
Low-fatdairyfoods may lower women's diabetes risk低脂乳制品也许能降低女性患糖尿病风险用作形容词Thedairycattle are going to come in.奶牛要产仔了。
More vegetables, more milk and moredairyproduce were consumed, and diet became more varied;人们消费的蔬菜,牛奶及奶制品越来越多,饮食种类愈加丰富;
The company is committed to the domestic largedairyfarm milking workshop equipment building.本公司主要致力于国内各大型奶牛场挤奶车间设备建设。 Are such mega- farms the future of British dairies?
难道这种巨型农场就是英国牛奶场的未来吗? ecocn

IT IS7am at Kabiyet Dairies in the emerald hills of western Kenya.
早上七点在 Kabiyet奶场,坐落于肯尼亚西部的翡翠山丘上。 ecocn

The latest example is the plan by Nocton Dairies, a big farming firm, to build an enormous, multi-million- pound dairy farm near the village of Nocton in Lincolnshire.
最近的例子便是诺克顿奶场,一家大型农业公司,计划在林肯郡靠近诺克顿村建立一个庞大的,耗资数百万英镑的奶牛场。 ecocn

“ I assume that the government is worried about the situation of the dairies and is afraid the companies may fall if they have to pay for the compensation amid the current financial crisis, ” he said.
他说道,“我认为政府担心乳制品业的现状,并且害怕厂家会因支付赔偿而倒闭,尤其是在这场金融危机的大环境下。” yeeyan

By American standards, Nocton’s plans are not that grand: the biggest dairies in America house tens of thousands of animals.
按美国标准,诺克顿的计划不是那么宏伟:美国最大的牛奶场能容纳成千上万头动物。 ecocn

Currently, only a small percentage of U.S. dairies are equipped with anaerobic digesters.
但是现在,只有很少的美国牛奶场配置了厌氧消化器。 hjenglish

Kabiyet Dairies is only one agricultural success story among many.
卡巴亚特奶站只是发生在农业领域众多成功故事中的一例。 yeeyan

Many of the children developed cancer from drinking irradiated milk produced at dairies in the contaminated area.
还有许多儿童因饮用了被污染地区产出的含放射性物质的牛奶而罹患了癌症。 fortunechina




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