

单词 Agincourt
释义 A·gin·court 英ˈædʒɪnˌkɔːt, -ˌkəʊrt美ˈædʒɪnˌkɔrt, -ˌkortAHDăjʹĭn-kôrt', -kōrt' 

a battle in northern France in which English longbowmen under Henry V decisively defeated a much larger French army in 1415
用作名词The drama of the year is heightened, as the drumbeat of the days rolls towardsAgincourt.鼓声渐渐敲响阿金库尔,这一年的戏剧色彩得以强化。 His unexpectedly decisive victory over the French at Agincourt in 1415 whetted his appetite for the crown of France as well.
1415年,亨利六世在阿让库尔攻打法国,取得出其不意的决定性胜利,刺激了他获得法国王冠的愿望。 ecocn

The fields at Agincourt were thick with mud, having recently been plowed for winter wheat and soaked in a heavy October shower.
当时的战场是阿金库尔的农田。刚为冬种翻犁过,又经过十月豪雨浸泡,农田里满是泥泞。 yeeyan

The drama of the year is heightened, as the drumbeat of the days rolls towards Agincourt.
鼓声渐渐敲响阿金库尔,这一年的戏剧色彩得以强化。 ecocn

“ Scarborough- Agincourt being one of the most ethnically diverse ridings in the world, when something happens abroad, it lands on our doorstep, ” he says.
他说:“士嘉堡—爱静阁选区是世界上种族最多元化的地区之一,当国外发生一些事情时,它就传到我们的家门口。” easy-ca

If Henry V at Agincourt had spoken to his army about relative troop strengths, we might all be speaking French.
他说,“如果亨利五世在阿金库尔战役中向他的军队比较双方实力的话,我们现在可能都要说法语了。” kekenet

With its 76 percent visible minority population, many election issues in Scarborough- Agincourt relate to immigration.
在拥有76%显著少数族裔人口的士嘉堡—爱静阁选区,许多竞选话题都与移民有关。 easy-ca




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