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词汇 Daiichi
释义 DaiichiEconomist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰
As a result, Takeda, Astellas and Daiichi Sankyo all expect a steep drop in operating profits this year.
因此,武田、阿斯特拉和第一三共制药都预期到今年药品的营业利润会骤降。 ecocn

Survivors complain about slow recovery efforts, and radiation from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi plant has spread into the air, water and food supply.
受访者抱怨拖延的重建努力和损毁的福岛第一核电站的核泄漏污染空气、水源和食物。 yeeyan

The emperor delivered his speech on the same day that white smoke and a new blaze at the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant added to radiation fears.
在福岛核电厂发生新的爆炸那天,核辐射的恐惧增强,也正是这一天,日皇的演讲传递到全国各地。 yeeyan

The Japanese authorities have announced that radiation levels surrounding the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant are increasing to potentially harmful levels.
日本官方已经宣布福岛核电站附近的核辐射水平已经达到了危害人体健康的程度。 yeeyan

And even then, Chernobyl was a very different incident from what is now unfolding at Fukushima Daiichi.

By now everyone has seen the videos of explosions at Japan's crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant and the aerial photos of what looks like the result of a World War II bombing.
如今,人们通过影像目睹了日本福岛受损的第一核电站所发生的爆炸,并通过航拍照片见识了状似经历了二战轰炸后的图景。 yeeyan

Engineers are still struggling to bring the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant under control after vital cooling systems were knocked out by the tsunami.
在关键性的冷却系统被海啸破坏之后,工程师们仍在努力将福田第一核电厂挽回到控制之下。 yeeyan

He said his advice related to the overall picture of safety developments at Fukushima Daiichi, rather than those at any individual reactor unit.
他说他的忠告关系到福岛第一核电厂的安全发展大局,而不只是某一个反应堆单元。 yeeyan

In this case, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex's back-up diesel- powered generators were built below ground level.
而在这一次事件中,福岛核设施的备用柴油发电机都被建在地平面以下。 yeeyan

Investors remain focused on the effort to cool damaged reactors and prevent a meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, located about138 miles north of Tokyo.
投资者关心的是冷却受损的反应器,防止位于东京北部138公里的福岛核电站灾情恶化的实际努力。 yeeyan

Radiation monitors at the Daiichi plant briefly picked up radiation in the range of400 millisieverts per hour,400 times the legal limit and the highest rate since the crisis began.
核电站的辐射探测器测量到了400毫西弗每小时的辐射强度,是法定限度的400倍,也达到了自此次核泄漏危机发生以来的最高值。 yeeyan

Roughly half an hour later, however, a wall of water breached the sea wall protecting the Fukushima Daiichi plant — one of the closest to the epicentre — and struck the main back-up generators.
然而,大约在半小时之后,巨浪冲垮了距震中最近的福岛第一核电站的海堤,并摧毁了主要的备用发电机。 yeeyan

The crisis stems from failures of the cooling systems at the reactors at the40- year- old Fukushima Daiichi plant.
这次的危机是由已有40年历史的福岛第一核电站中的反应堆冷却系统故障导致的。 yeeyan

Whether or not the pursuit of these designs is blunted by the Fukushima Daiichi event remains to be seen.
福岛事件是否使这些设计的追求有所减弱尚有待观察。 yeeyan

Daiichi is not synonymous with Chernobyl in terms of the severity of contamination.
第一核电站污染事故的严重性无法与切尔诺贝利相比。 yeeyan




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