

单词 daft
释义 daft 英dæft美dæftAHDdăft

informal or slang terms for mentally irregular;

it used to drive my husband balmy

来自PIE*dhabh, 匹配,组装,词源同fabric. 原义为温和的,举止得体的,词源同deft. 后词义由温和的讽刺的过渡到笨拙的,愚蠢的。GRE红宝书读: 打福特一种比较牛的汽车品牌. 你说你没事儿打什么福特呀? 不仅车牛, 里头的人更牛, 你不是招抽呢吗? 傻!
da 音:打 + ft 网语:晕,打晕→打傻→傻
GRE难词记忆daft 音“大夫的”→士大夫的→愚蠢的士大夫谐音记忆daft音“大夫的”→士大夫的⇒愚蠢的士大夫近义词 nuts疯的silly愚蠢的crazy疯狂的daffy愚笨的kooky古怪的balmy芳香的dotty疯狂的batty疯狂的loopy疯狂的barmy愚蠢的loony疯狂的buggy多虫的insane疯狂的fruity果香的whacky怪诞的kookie怪人的foolish愚蠢的bonkers疯狂的cracked破碎的eccentric古怪的haywire临时电线dippy脑筋不正常的…loco发疯的bats蝙蝠nutty有许多坚果的…round the bend发疯crackers精神错乱的mad发疯的,发狂似的…wacky行为等古怪的…around the bend有精神病的

用作形容词Don't be sodaft!别那麽傻了!
You're right. I lookdaftwith one shoe.你说的对,我穿一只鞋是有点蠢。adj.stupid;crazy
同义词 absurd,asinine,bedlamite,bonkers,cracked,crackers,daffy,demented,deranged,dopey,flaky,foolish,fried,giddy,half-baked,idiotic,in the ozone,inane,insane,lunatic,mad,mental,nuts,nutty,off the wall,out of one's gourd,ridiculous,screwy,silly,simple,touched,unbalanced,unhinged,unsound,wacky,whacko,witless
反义词 brainy,bright,intelligent,smart,understanding
asinineadjective senseless
balmyadjective insane
absurd,bugged out,cracked,crazed,crazy,daft,deranged,dotty,foolish,harebrained,idiotic,loony,mentally incompetent,moronic,nuts,nutty,odd,potty,preposterous,silly,stupid,wacky
bananasadjective insane
bonkers,brainsick,crackers,crazy,crazy as a loon,cuckoo,daft,demented,deranged,distraught,disturbed,dotty,kooky,loco,lunatic,mad,mad as a hatter,maniac,maniacal,mentally ill,moonstruck,not all there,nuts,nutty as a fruitcake,off one's rocker,out of one's mind,out to lunch,psycho,sick,sick in the head,stark raving mad,touched,unbalanced,unhinged,unsound,wacky
brainsickadjective insane
batty,bonkers,cracked,crackers,crazed,crazy,daft,demented,disordered,distraught,dotty,lunatic,mad,mad as a hatter,maniac,maniacal,mentally ill,moonstruck,not all there,nuts,nutty,off one's rocker,out of one's mind,psychotic,sick in the head,stark raving mad,touched,unbalanced,unhinged,unsound
crackersadjective insane
batty,bonkers,brainsick,cracked,crazed,crazy,crazy as a loon,cuckoo,daft,demented,deranged,distraught,disturbed,dotty,kooky,loco,lunatic,mad,mentally ill,moonstruck,not all there,nuts,nutty,off one's rocker,out of one's mind,out to lunch,psycho,psychotic,sick,sick in the head,stark raving mad,touched,unbalanced,unhinged,unsound,wacky
crazieradjective mentally strange
ape,barmy,bats in the belfry,batty,berserk,bonkers,cracked,crazed,cuckoo,daft,delirious,demented,deranged,dingy,dippy,erratic,flaky,flipped,flipped out,freaked out,fruity,idiotic,insane,kooky,lunatic,mad,mad as a March hare,mad as a hatter,maniacal,mental,moonstruck,nuts,nutty,nutty as fruitcake,of unsound mind,out of one's mind,out of one's tree,out to lunch,potty,psycho,round the bend,schizo,screw loose,screwball,screwy,silly,touched,unbalanced,unglued,unhinged,unzipped,wacky“ Customers would be daft if they don't try to play the companies off against each other on price,” said a person close to Rio.

“ We know it's daft but just get down to some concentrated thinking and who knows what might happen,” said company boss Mark Champkins.
“我们知道这只是个初级产品,但是谁知道最终会变成什么样呢?”公司负责人马克钱普金斯说。 hjenglish

And weighing the risk of such eventualities against the rewards of hard cash, on the table, right now, makes it clearly daft to raise too much of a stink.
但是权衡利弊,比较可能出现的风险与现在得到摆在桌面的现金,那么过多想象坏的方面肯定是不太明智的。 ecocn

But all that time spent finding ways around daft rules would be better devoted to world-beating innovation.
但是,在规避疯狂法规方面花费时间,还是比去搞那些能震动世界的创新要划算。 ecocn

Email has turbo- charged this oral tradition, which is why your inbox is crammed with daft pass-arounds.
电子邮件扩大了这种口头传播的传统,这就是为什么你邮箱里有很多内容愚蠢的邮件。 yeeyan

Given the economy’s weakness, it looks daft.
鉴于经济疲软,这个选择看起来很愚蠢。 yeeyan

He pointed to some“frankly daft planning decisions” where new homes were being built on flood plains.
他指出一些新房子正准备建在洪泛区的“明显愚蠢的计划决定”。 yeeyan

I have never heard anyone say anything that wasn't daft about the thinking behind any change.

I watered it every day, but I didn't put anything special in the soil or anything daft. And it just carried on growing.
我每天都会给它浇水,但却没有特别的关注土壤什么的,它就自个儿长啊长。 cri

In the digital age it is daft to take months or even years to get a book to market.
在数字化时代,花几个月甚至几年的时间将书籍推向市场的做法是非常愚蠢的。 ecocn

The central bank’s decision to raise the cost of borrowing earlier this year was daft.
欧洲央行今年早些时候的提高借贷成本的决定是愚蠢的。 ecocn

The student is not squinting to tap out yet another daft text message, but looking carefully for the faint blue dots that are the tell-tale diagnostic signature of malaria.
作为学生的他并不是在眯着眼查收未读的短信息,而是在认真地观看屏幕上的模糊蓝点,这些蓝点是透露疟疾诊疗信息的特征点。 ecocn

This is daft: benefits are flat because inflation is negative, so real benefits have actually risen.
这很愚蠢:救济金不变是因为通货紧缩,所以实际上救济金增加了。 ecocn

Unlike that benignly daft creature, this real-life surgeonfish in Indonesia carries a sharp retractable blade of bone near the base of its tail.
跟那只疯疯癫癫的亲切生物不同,印度尼西亚的这只正牌医生鱼在尾巴附近有一片能伸缩的锋利骨片。 ebigear




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