

单词 aggressively
释义 ag·gres·sive·ly 英ə'gresɪvli美ə'grɛsɪvli 高COCA⁸⁸⁰⁷BNC¹⁴⁶²⁰iWeb⁸⁸⁹³Economist¹⁴⁵⁸³

in an aggressive manner;

she was being sharply questioned

aggresS,-ive形容词后缀-ly像⇒adv.侵略地⁴²;攻击地⁴⁴;有干劲地¹⁴近义词 sharply锐利地violently猛烈地insistently坚持地assertively断言地forcefully强有力地determinedly决然地belligerently交战地destructively破坏地

One who dealsaggressivelyin stocks or commodities.积极交易的人
One who sells goodsaggressively, especially by calling out.小贩尤指通过吆喝的方式主动兜售货物的人
Inclined to bold or confident assertion;aggressivelyself-assured.过分自信的倾向于唐突或自信的断言; 过分自信的
A vain, self-important, silly, oraggressivelystupid person.愚蠢的人自负的,妄自尊大的,愚蠢的或过分自信的笨蛋 The entertainment industry is prepared to assert its rights aggressively and most people knew that before today.
娱乐产业做好准备积极地维护其权利并且多数人以前就知道这一点。 yeeyan

But under his influence, Egypt became an aggressively destabilizing force in Middle Eastern politics.
但是在他的影响下,埃及成为中东政治好斗的不稳定性力量。 yeeyan

Despite these worries, the economy may still avoid a contraction in coming months, if only because American firms have run down their stocks so aggressively.
尽管存在这些担忧,美国经济在未来数月里仍然可以避免经济紧缩,因为美国企业已经大幅度压缩了库存。 yeeyan

He said the administration did not aggressively pursue corruption out of concern that that could undermine its relationship with the Iraqi government.
他说,布什政府没有大力打击腐败是出于这样做可能会破坏和伊拉克政府关系的考虑。 hxen

If the machines can do the work of aggressively throwing information out for us, then we can deal with the rest on our own.
如果机器能做到那样,积极地把我们周围无用的信息扔开,剩下的我们就可以自己来处理了。 yeeyan

If they do not move quickly and aggressively to protect consumers, Congress should step in.
如果他们不迅速采取行动并积极保护消费者,国会就应该介入。 yeeyan

If you market cigarettes aggressively, are you responsible for people dying of lung cancer?
如果你积极的推广香烟,你该为死于肺癌的人们负责吗? yeeyan

In search of markets and natural resources, China is expanding its influence aggressively in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and South America.
在搜寻市场和自然资源的过程当中,中国正在亚洲、中东、非洲和南美大肆扩张自己的影响力。 yeeyan

Note that this curve represents the ideal risk profile you should strive for; you will achieve that only if you are actively and aggressively managing risk.
注意这条曲线代表了一个您应该为之奋斗的理想风险的轮廓,只要您积极并迅速地管理风险就可以得到这个目标。 ibm

Our study also points out the necessity for librarians to investigate aggressively and stay abreast of disruptive technology and build it into new services wherever possible.
我们的研究也指出图书馆员有必要研究这些具有侵略性分裂性的新技术,把它建成任何可能的新服务。 yeeyan

Perhaps China does not mean ever to use its weapons aggressively.
也许中国从未打算过用其拥有的武器进行侵略。 ecocn

Perhaps China does not mean ever to use its weapons aggressively. But American defence planners cannot rely on that, so they must respond.
也许中国从来没有想要带攻击性地运用武器,但是美国的防御策划者不能完全相信,他们必须做出回应。 yeeyan

The study also found that people with compulsive tendencies were more likely to drive aggressively with disregard for potential consequences.
这项研究还发现,有强迫倾向的人们也更容易野蛮驾驶,因为他们会忽视潜在的后果。 cri

This means that Air Force negotiators are pushing aggressively for what“ we believe is the appropriate cost” for the jets, Van Buren said.
他说,这意味着,空军谈判代表正在积极推动“我们相信的对该喷气式飞机来说,什么是是最适当的成本。” www.etiri.com.cn

We also think that as BIDU aggressively expands into new businesses with new offerings, execution risk potentially becomes more of an issue.
此外,随着百度积极拓展,推出新产品进入新业务领域,我们认为执行风险也可能成为更大的问题。 forbeschina

You will also need to actively, even aggressively, forge relationships with scholars in your field.
你还要变的更积极,甚至更具侵略性,打造和你同领域学者的关系。 blog.sina.com.cn




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