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词汇 aggression
释义 ag·gres·sion 英əˈgreʃən美əˈgrɛʃənAHDə-grĕshʹən ★★☆☆☆高四六GT宝八ICOCA⁵⁸⁷⁷BNC⁵³⁶²iWeb⁷⁹⁷¹Economist³⁹⁹⁹

a disposition to behave aggressivelya feeling of hostility that arouses thoughts of attackviolent action that is hostile and usually unprovokedthe act of initiating hostilitiesdeliberately unfriendly behavioraggression,invasion,assault,attack,offensive







发音释义:ə'greʃən n. 侵略;进攻;侵犯;侵害
结构分析:aggression = aggress侵略+sion名词后缀→侵略economic aggression经济侵略displaced aggression转向攻击转向攻击,移…air aggression侵犯领空,空中侵袭…commercial aggression商业侵略local aggression局部侵略non-aggression不侵犯mutual non-aggression互不侵犯
GRE红宝书ag+gress走+ion→ 一再走→侵略
ag = ad朝前, gress走, ion名词后缀-超前走-侵略
词根记忆ag朝向=gress步,级+ion=攻击,侵略;aggress侵略 aggress挑衅,侵略+ion抽象名词后缀,表行为⇒挑衅,侵略。词根记忆ag + gress走+ ion → 走到别的国家 ⇒侵略近义词 anger愤怒attack攻击assault攻击offense过错invasion侵略raid突然袭击violence猛烈hostility敌意onslaught猛攻antagonism对抗bellicosity好战belligerence交战offensive令人不快的aggressiveness进取精神反义词 repulsion厌恶

用作名词For a dog,an erect tail indicatesaggression.对狗而言,竖立起来的尾巴表示进攻。
Retaliation only escalates a bully'saggression.报复只会助长欺凌者的侵犯气焰。
You should learn what to do in case of an act ofaggression.你应该学习如何应对侵犯行为。
This is anaggressionupon my right.这个是对我的权利的侵害。
This move constitutes an act ofaggression.这一举动构成了侵略行为。
The whole land rose to resist foreignaggression.举国奋起抗击外来侵略。noun.attack, often military
同义词 assault,encroachment,invasion,offensive,onslaught,raidblitz,blitzkrieg,injury,offense,onset,pushassailmentnoun.hostile or forceful behavior, attitude
同义词 hostilityaggressiveness,antagonism,belligerence,blitz,combativeness,destructiveness,fight,pugnacity,push
assailmentnoun attack
assaultnoun attack
attacknoun verbal assault
attacksnoun verbal assault
bellicosenessnoun fight
bellicositynoun fight
aggression,aggressiveness,animosity,antagonism,argumentativeness,bellicoseness,belligerence,belligerency,combativeness,combativity,contentiousness,hostility,pugnaciousness,pugnacity,truculence,truculency And it all starts, not with aggression and dominance, but with empathy and bonding.
这一过程首先不是基于“进攻性和统治性”,而是首先基于“移情和感情连接”。 yeeyan

The emotional body is very sensitive to fear, to anger and aggression and to all strong sentiments which easily pull you out of your center.

The imperialists use this ideology and culture as a lever for easily realizing their domination and subjugation, aggression and plunder of other countries.
帝国主义者使用这种思想和文化作为一种杠杆,轻易地实现其统治、征服、侵略以及掠夺他国的目的。 yeeyan

The reptilian mind is usually equated in the human one with traits like aggression, dominance and sexual appetite.
爬行动物的头脑通常情况下与人脑相同,也具有侵略、支配和性欲的特性。 ecocn

All of this, however, pales in comparison with news of the charges of sexual aggression.
所有这些报道,与这次涉嫌性侵犯被捕相比,都是无关痛痒的事情。 ecocn

AQAP portrays itself as the defender of the Yemeni population against a despised government and American aggression.
AQAP认为自己抵抗无所作为的政府和美国的侵略,是也门人的保护者。 ecocn

Calm and certainty have been replaced by aggression.
平静和自信被敌意和侵犯取代了。 yeeyan

China's rise in the world was not achieved through war or aggression but through exchanges and trading.
中国的崛起不是通过战争和侵略得来的,而是在与他国的交流与贸易中实现的。 yeeyan

Fourth, when conflict occurs, it is not necessarily because a rising power is bent on aggression.
第四,当冲突发生时,并不是因为一个正在崛起的力量一心想要侵略。 yeeyan

From the Opium War in 1840, China suffered the colonialist aggression for almost110 years.

I have spent the past three days trying to discover, from legal experts all over Europe, where the crime of aggression can be prosecuted.
在过去的三天中,我一直在通过全欧洲的法律专家,试图找到在哪国可以起诉侵略罪。 yeeyan

If we want to be able to dump bin Ladenism at sea, rather than just his corpse, we need to stop pursuing the strategy of expensive aggression he longed for.
如果我们想把本•拉登主义扔在大海里,而不只是丢弃他的尸体,我们需要停止奉行他所渴望的昂贵的侵略策略。 yeeyan

In a hefty new book, titled “The Jurisprudence of Jihad”, Mr Qaradawi restates his belief in the right of Muslims to resist“ aggression”, and“ foreign occupation”.
在他一本名为《圣战的法理学》的厚重的新书中,卡拉达维重申了他的信念:穆斯林有权反抗“侵略”和“外国占领”。 ecocn

One idea to explain this is that in animals such as humans, where there is a lot of maternal care, females find physical aggression less affordable.
对这个的一个解释是在人类这样需要有大量的母性关怀的动物中,女性认为身体上的攻击性是很难承担的。 ecocn

One is associated with aggression and overconfidence, while the other motivates achievement, hard work and altruistic behaviour.
一种关乎侵略和自负,而另一种则激励自我成就,勤奋工作和无私行为。 yeeyan

Rape is an act of aggression and violence.
强奸是一种侵犯与暴力行为。 yeeyan

Red is one of the most intense hues and in dreams represents passion, anger, aggression and heat.
红色是一种最激烈的色彩,它在梦中代表激情、愤怒、侵略和热度。 yeeyan

The Korean war marks the first time when nations have come together in a time of outward peace to resist together a flagrant local aggression.
朝鲜战争标志着,各个国家第一次在时局看似升平的时候走到一起,并肩抗击公然的局部侵略。 yeeyan

Their perspective, generally known as cultural determinism, asserts, for example, that people have no natural predisposition toward aggression.
他们的观点一般被称为“文化决定论”,比如,其断言人们并无侵略的本性倾向。 yeeyan

They explore this theory with three studies, two on helping behaviours and one on aggression.
他们用三项研究探索了这个理论,其中两项关于助人行为,一项关于侵犯。 yeeyan

This is injustice, it is clear aggression, and it is uncalculated risk for its consequences on the Mediterranean and Europe.
这是不公正,这是赤裸裸的侵略,这将给地中海地区和欧洲带来极大的风险。 yeeyan

We will smash any aggression.

Aggression was not, however, predictable in women students— or, at least, not from the shapes of their faces.
然而在女学生中,侵略性是不能预测的───或者是说不能从她们的面型去预测。 ecocn




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