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词汇 Cypriots
释义 Cypriots ˈsipriəts Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
n.塞浦路斯人语Cypriot的名词复数原型cypriot的复数 A travesty of democracy, some Greek- Cypriots said.
一些塞浦路斯希腊族人说,这是对民主的恶搞。 ecocn

A majority of Greek Cypriots followed his lead and voted against the plan in a referendum, but Turkish Cypriots voted in favor of it.
塞浦路斯的大多数希族人都支持帕帕佐普洛斯总统,在全民公投中投票反对这个和平计划,而塞浦路斯的土族人则投票赞成这个计划。 ebigear

That promise was made to reward Turkish Cypriots for voting in favour of a UN- sponsored plan for reunification in April2004.
2004年4月,土耳其塞浦路斯人投票支持联合国发起的重新统一计划,欧盟给出了承诺来报答他们。 ecocn

The main ethnic groups are Greek Cypriots77% and Turkish Cypriots18%, with other minority5%.
主要的民族群体有希腊塞浦路斯77%,土耳其塞浦路斯18%和其他群体5%。 ebigear

Turkish- Cypriots themselves— or at least the 82,000 or so who hold Cypriot ID cards— come to the richer south for shopping and free medical care.
土族人,或是说至少是82,000的持有塞浦路斯身份证的土族人会到条件略好的南方购物,接收免费医疗。 ecocn

As a member, Cyprus has played a destructive role, undermining both the EU’s efforts to help the Turkish- Cypriots, who voted for the Annan plan, and Turkey’s membership talks.

bad for the Greek- Cypriots, who face a large Turkish army in the north and have lost territory and property;
对希赛人也不好,其北部面对大批土耳其军队,并且丧失了领土和财产; ecocn

But as early as1964 the Turkish- Cypriots were driven into enclaves by the majority Greek- Cypriots.
但是早在1964时,土族人就被希族人赶到北部飞地。 ecocn

But the effort was doomed by the unconditional promise to the Greek- Cypriots of EU membership.
但是无条件接爱希塞浦路斯为欧盟成员的承诺早就注定了所有努力必将失败。 ecocn

During the 1940s and1950s, some Cypriots began to demand union with Greece.
在20世纪40-50年代,一些塞浦路斯人要求和希腊建立联盟。 ebigear

For that to happen the EU and America must tell the Greek- Cypriots to get serious though, as EU members already, they have little incentive to help.
为了促成协议达成,欧盟和美国必须告诫希裔塞浦路斯人认真对待和谈有些欧盟成员国已经这样做了,不过他们实在没什么帮忙的动机。 ecocn

Greek and Turkish Cypriots have removed a blockade that has separated them for half a century.
希腊裔和土耳其裔的塞浦路斯人拆除了将他们分离了半个世纪的路障。 ebigear

Greek and Turkish Cypriots have been divided since1974, when Turkey deployed troops after a coup by Greek Cypriots who wanted union with Greece.
希腊裔和土耳其裔塞浦路斯人自从1974年以来一直处于分裂状态,当时在希望同希腊统一的希腊裔塞浦路斯人发动政变之后,土耳其派遣了军队。 ebigear

Greek- Cypriots head north for beaches, casinos and brothels.
南方的希腊族人则是冲着北方的沙滩、赌场、妓院而去。 ecocn

He has ousted Mehmet Ali Talat, the most pro- settlement leader the Turkish- Cypriots have had.
他驱逐了塔拉特,其是土耳其-塞浦路斯史上最赞成和解的领袖。 ecocn

In theory Turkey has until then to open air- and seaports to the Greek- Cypriots, but it refuses to do this until EU trade restrictions on Turkish-controlled north Cyprus are lifted.
理论上来说,届时土耳其必须对希裔塞浦路斯人开放空港与海港,不过若欧盟不解除对土辖北塞浦路斯的贸易管制,恐怕土耳其仍将拒绝开港。 ecocn

In the eyes of Greek- Cypriots, the occupation must be ended by a peace settlement under which all Turkish troops leave and stolen Greek-Cypriot property is returned or proper compensation paid.
在希腊族人看来,占领必须结束,要签署一份和平协议,撤离所有土耳其军队并归还希腊族人的财务或是给予适当补偿。 ecocn

It insists that Greek and Turkish Cypriots resolve the division of Cyprus before offshore drilling begins.

Many Greek- Cypriots shrug their shoulders: they are now in the EU and the euro.
许多希腊塞浦路斯人耸耸肩膀:他们现在加入了欧盟,使用欧元。 ecocn

Moreover, it is hard to see how Turkey can ever join the EU without a settlement in Cyprus, since it would first have to recognise the Greek- Cypriot government and abandon the Turkish- Cypriots.
而且,塞浦路斯问题不解决好,很难预见土耳其怎样加入欧盟,因为它首先要承认希赛政府,放弃土赛。 ecocn

Some analysts believe the prospect of the Greek Cypriots taking over the six- month rotating EU presidency a year from now might act as an incentive to seal a deal.
有些分析人士认为,希腊族塞浦路斯一年后将担任为期六个月的欧盟轮值主席,这个因素可能会促使双方达成协议。 tingvoa

They added that more Cypriots who work in Libya expect to be evacuated.
他们还说,谁更塞在利比亚工作期望得到疏散。 sdsky

Thousands of Greek Cypriots have marched on the presidential palace in Nicosia to protest over the deaths of12 people in an explosion at a munitions dump.
数千名塞浦路斯的希腊族人在尼科西亚总统府前游行,对一个弹药堆放场所爆炸引发12人死亡的事故提出抗议。 putclub

Turkey says it will not yield until the EU honours its promise to end travel and trade restrictions on Turkish Cypriots.
土耳其说它不会妥协,除非欧盟承诺解除对土耳其塞浦路斯人的旅游和贸易限制。 ecocn




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