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词汇 cypress
释义 cy·press 英ˈsaɪprɪs美ˈsaɪprɪsAHDsīʹprĭs

wood of any of various cypress trees especially of the genus Cupressusany of numerous evergreen conifers of the genus Cupressus of north temperate regions having dark scalelike leaves and rounded cones来自拉丁语cypressus,源自希腊语kyparissos柏树,最终可能源自某种未知的地中海语言。据希腊神话载,一名叫赛帕里西亚斯kyparissos的英俊少年,他是米西亚Mysia王忒勒福斯Telephus的儿子,长得英俊非凡,平素爱好狩猎。光明神阿波罗爱上了他,送给他一头神鹿。小赛同志对被誉为“神界第一帅哥”的阿波罗并不来电,却对他赠送的这头神鹿产生了非同寻常的感情,朝夕相处,难舍难分。但不幸的是,在一次狩猎中,赛帕里西亚斯失手将神鹿射死。小赛同志像死了爱人一样悲痛欲绝,竟然请求阿波罗让自己陪着神鹿一起死去。阿波罗没办法,只好将他变成一棵柏树,终生孤独站立哀悼神鹿。因此,柏树名称cypress即从赛帕里西亚斯的名字kyparissos演变而来。因为这个神话,柏树在西方观念中就成了哀悼的象征。古人经常将柏树栽种在墓地,表达对前人的怀念。塞浦路斯岛的英文名Cyprus就源自cypress,因为此地有很多柏树。GRE红宝书sy = see, pressv 压, 看上去有被压的感觉. 想象一下迎客松的样子.
音:死 + press 死人压抑;cry + press 或sigh音同cy + press 想哭,压抑;柏树象征着哀悼;
GRE难词记忆cypress→Cyprus n.塞浦路斯→塞浦路斯的柏树发音记忆杉柏立世 ⇒像杉树柏树一样挺拔立在世界上近义词 cypress tree柏树

Nor shadycypresstree.也无须柏树来荫覆。
Thiscypressis tall and thin.这棵柏树又高又细。 And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.
橡树和柏树断然无法在彼此的荫下成长。 ebigear

Just north of the city of Vancouver, Cypress Mountain also holds snowy ski trails, but overall has far less snow.
奥运村以南,温哥华市北方的赛普瑞斯山建设了滑雪道,但是总的来说积雪量远远不够。 yeeyan

On the crest of the hill, gnarly juniper and cypress trees preside over a separate association of deer, fox, and lichen.
山顶上,粗桧,柏树领导着又一个单独的协会,小鹿,狐狸和青苔是其会员。 yeeyan

The side lighting provided by the newly risen sun created mysterious shadows behind the stand of riverside cypress.
刚刚出山的太阳的侧向照明构成了挺立在河畔的柏树后面的神秘阴影。 yeeyan

The sky had that perfect clarity you see in paintings of Provence; cypress trees framed the far view.
晴空万里,眼前的普罗旺斯和你在画作中看到的一般,柏树环绕着远处的景色,好像画框一样。 yeeyan

The Whistler and Cypress Creek venues have been dealing with a lack of snow and warm temperatures.
惠斯勒和柏树山比赛场地一直受到缺雪和温暖气候的干扰。 voanews

The cypress trunks themselves brought to mind the sturdy legs of large dinosaurs.
柏树的巨大树干使我联想到大型恐龙粗壮的大腿。 yeeyan

The cypress-trees were like burnt- out torches. From one of them a nightingale was singing.
柏木则如同燃尽了的火炬,一只夜莺在上头歌唱。 yeeyan

“ It kind of got cooking,” Brian Davis, one of the Cypress- Mandela workers, said about the fishbone meal.
“这就像在烹饪,”来自赛普拉斯-曼德拉培训中心的工人布莱恩·戴维斯说。 yeeyan

And there are the gardens, where the visitors take it in turns to pose for photographs by the famous cypress tree. That is about it.
那里还有花园,游客们会在那棵著名的桧树旁轮流摆造型拍照,以此留念。 yeeyan

Beyond the new component arrivals, the firm reported the departure of previous part providers NXP Semiconductors and Cypress Semiconductor Corp. in the latest version of the product.
除了有新的器件出现,iSuppli报告也指出在最新版本的产品中先前的供应商 NXP和 Cypress消失了。 ednchina

Energizers include peppermint, cypress and lemon.
劲量 Energizer含有薄荷、柏木和柠檬。 yeeyan

Her torso, outlined in light, was like the trunk of a cypress tree just entering the soil.
她的身材,在光线的勾勒下,宛若刚刚植入的桧树树干。 topsage

Ivy, cypress, eucalyptus, palm and olive trees have been slowly added and grown throughout the remodel, giving the exterior grounds new life, as well as the interior areas.
后来又渐渐植上了常春藤、桉树类植物、棕榈树和橄榄树,这些植物已经长满了整个改建花园,给室外场地与室内空间注入了活力。 yeeyan

La Bandita, an eight-room boutique hotel, sits atop one of the cypress-lined roads that Tuscany is famous for.
在托斯卡纳著名的柏树点缀的公路上,有这样一家八居室的小旅馆,名叫拉班迪塔 La Bandita。 yeeyan

Near Disney World and Orlando, Florida, the Cypress Cove Resort offers a range of recreational activities, including biking, a lakeside beach and a small golf course.
柏树湾度假村在弗罗里达州的奥兰多,靠近迪斯尼乐园,有多种健身休闲活动克提供,包括自行车、湖边沙滩和小型高尔夫球场。 yeeyan

Several events are scheduled for the Whistler resort, as well as Cypress Mountain, but weather forecasters are calling for warm temperatures to continue.
有好几场比赛安排在了惠斯勒和柏树山,但是气象预报说温暖气候将持续下去。 kekenet

Slowly the corners of the park filled, even the shady spots deep among the tight rows of cypress trees that date back800 years.
渐渐的,公园的各个角落都有了人,连排列得密密麻麻、有800年历史的丝柏树的树荫深处也有了人影。 yeeyan

These destinations and their bronzed peoples, surrounded by cypress trees and olive groves, still retain an exotic allure.
这些目的地及拥有古铜色皮肤的人们,被青松翠柏簇拥着,依旧保留着它的异国情调。 yeeyan

They are gathered around a cypress tree which still stands.
他们围坐在一棵桧树边,那棵树至今还依然屹立于此。 yeeyan

Unprofitable eloquence is like the cypress,which is great and tall,but bears no fruit.
无益的雄辩犹如高大的柏树,不会结果。 ebigear

Wind-blown cypress pollen is a major cause of allergies in some parts of the world.
世界某些地区,随风传送的柏树花粉才是主要过敏源。 yeeyan




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