释义 |
Cyclops vicinus 基本例句 医近似剑水蚤 In March,the dominant species wereCyclops vicinusvicinus and Daphina pulex. The density of crustacean zooplankton in three stations was 17.1,7.0 and 1.8 ind.3月份的优势种类为近邻剑水蚤和蚤状氵蚤;3个采样点的浮游甲壳动物密度分别为17.;1ind nasus usually preferred to feed onCyclops vicinusand young fish.刀鲚主要以近邻剑水蚤和幼鱼为食; 38 species in 24 genus of copepod were observed and had 6 dominant species such asCyclops vicinus, Eucyclops serrulatus, Mesocyclops leuckarti and etc.桡足类24属38种,优势种类为近邻剑水蚤、锯缘真剑水蚤、广布中剑水蚤等6种。 |