

单词 cyclist
释义 cy·clist 英ˈsaɪklɪst美ˈsaɪklɪstAHDsīʹklĭst ★☆☆☆☆初高四ICOCA¹³⁶⁶³BNC¹⁶⁴³⁹iWeb⁶⁸⁴²Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

a person who rides a bicycle词根词缀: -cycl-圆 + -ist…人trick cyclist特技自行车手…
非常记忆cycle自行车〖熟词〗+ist…的人〖词缀〗⇒骑自行车的人要注意安全cycle骑自行车+ist者⇒骑自行车的人。近义词 wheeler车夫bicycler骑单车的人bicyclist骑脚踏车者

用作名词Thecyclistwas run down by a lorry.卡车把骑自行车的人撞倒了。 The study revealed that 60% of accidents in which a truck drives into a pedestrian or cyclist are attributable to the truck driver’s blind spot.
研究结果显示,60%的事故都是由于卡车司机产生了盲点现象,使卡车撞向行人和骑车人导致的。 yeeyan

A cyclist, wearing a chequered- blue sarong and T-shirt, the attire of many village men, pull up outside the hut.
一个骑自行车的人在土屋外停下,他身穿格仔蓝纱笼和 T恤,村里许多人都是这种装束。 ecocn

Another shows a perplexed cyclist staring down a chasm as the street drops off vertically before him.
另一幅画表现了一个骑车人俯视着道路在他面前垂直下落的路面困惑不已。 yeeyan

But once again his ambition was foiled by my fierce objection: that road was too harsh, too dangerous for a cyclist.
但他的雄心壮志又一次被我的强烈反对挫败了:那段路太艰苦,骑自行车去太危险。 bjbonni

He, a non- cyclist, is the sole survivor.
而他没有骑车,竟成了唯一的幸存者。 ecocn

I bet that cyclist is my brother. He'd bring the motorbike to stop safely.
我敢肯定骑摩托车的是我哥哥。他稳稳地把车停下了。 putclub

I was an avid cyclist and it became painful to ride.
我喜欢骑车,这也让我在骑车时感到疼痛。 yeeyan

If you were going to meet another long-distance cyclist, it would probably be at a glamorous place like this.
假如你想邂逅其它长途骑车手,很有可能就是在像这种充满魅力的地方。 yeeyan

If you’re a serious cyclist or know someone who is, you probably know that over the years, the stuff really good bikes are made of has changed.
如果你是一个真正的自行车手或者你认识一个这样的人,你也许知道,这几年制造真正好自行车的材料已经变了很多。 yeeyan

If you're approaching another runner, walker, or cyclist, and need to pass him, let him know on which side you're trying to pass.
如果你正试图靠近其他跑步者,路人或骑单车的,并想超过他们,要设法让他们知道你的意图。 yeeyan

If you're approaching another runner or cyclist and need to pass them, communicate with him and let them know on which side you're trying to pass.
如果你接近其他跑步者或骑自行车的人并且你要超越他们,跟他交流一下,让他们知道你在哪一边超。 yeeyan

If you're wearing headphones, you may not be able to hear another runner or cyclist yelling, “On your left!” as he tries to pass you.
如果你带着耳机,你就可能没法听到其他跑步者或骑车人的喊话了,当他们要超你的时候,往往会喊“嘿,借光。” yeeyan

I've been told that a fit cyclist can cover the distance in two and a half days.
有人告诉我,一个健康的骑行者可以在两天半时间里走完这条路。 yeeyan

Janine's son, Aaron is also a world-class cyclist and holds the record for an eight- mile wheelie.
珍妮的儿子艾伦也是一名世界级的自行车手,也曾打破八公里级转轮比赛记录。 cri

Just a few cyclist's bell tings and the quiet clicks of the pedals running.
仅仅是一些自行车的铃铛声和脚踏板转动的咔哒声。 yeeyan

Most people assumed I would end up as a road cyclist because my physique is much smaller than most sprinters.
很多人猜测我最终会成为一名公路自行车选手,因为我的体形比大多数场地自行车选手小。 yeeyan

Not only is he a national champion cyclist and a bicycle innovator, he’s also a NASA aerospace engineer.
他不仅是自行车的发明者,是全美自行车赛冠军,还是美国宇航局的一名航空工程师。 yeeyan

On the third evening it was a cold and muddy cyclist who squelched into a gasthaus in the German city of Ulm.
到了第三天晚上,我带着一身寒气和泥泞,咯吱咯吱地把自行车骑进德国城市乌尔姆的一家客栈。 yeeyan

Soon the police came and they reported what they had seen and an ambulance took the cyclist to the hospital soon.
不一会儿,警察来了,他们向警察报告了事情的经过,然后救护车把伤者送进了医院。 hjenglish

The reason I got into cycling was because my dad was a keen cyclist.
我加入自行车运动的原因是因为我父亲热衷自行车运动。 yeeyan




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