

释义 AGERS ˈeɪdʒərz COCA⁶⁰⁴³¹BNC⁷⁰⁷¹⁶
Auxiliary General Electronics Research Ships 辅助常规电子试验船原型ager的三单 A lot of the New Agers are gonna be disappointed in2012.
许多新时代的人将会在2012年感到失忘了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Some major factorssuch as internet surfing, study anxiety etc. investigated in this study could influence the sleeping quality of teen agers;
本次调查中发现影响青少年睡眠质量的主要因素为上网、学习紧张等; cnki

That is why knowledge about the needs, demands and requirements of these best agers regarding their travel plans are so important for the travel industry.
正因如此,了解关于这些年长人士旅游计划的需求和要求,对于旅游业而言非常重要。 yeeyan

However, in some poverty-stricken rural areas, few school- agers can afford to go to school because of lack of financial support.
但是,在一些贫困的农村地区,没有多少学龄儿童去上学,因为他们交不起学费。 blog.sina.com.cn

In developing areas female school- agers right to education is severely challenged.
当前,我国经济欠发达地区女童的受教育权面临着严峻的挑战。 dictall

In fact, many New Agers tend to shy away from the structure and confines of traditional religious practices.
事实上,许多新时代人都倾向于羞怯地避开传统宗教修行的结构和界限。 qiudao.net

Let us take you down memory lane to compare the different forms of entertainment the golden agers of yesteryear enjoyed compared to the luxuries of what you have today.
让我带着你们沿着记忆之路追溯往昔,把长辈们所喜爱的截然不同的消遣方式和你们现在所拥有的奢华生活做做比较。 www.1x1y.com.cn

Man agers should be assigned from the working personnel of legal institutions in administrative organs.
主持人应从行政机关的法制部门工作人员中指定产生,人数以三人最为适宜; cnki

Methods: The cognitive function of70 cases with IDA and30 normal school- agers were studied by means of IQ and event- related potential ERP determination.
方法:采用智商 IQ、事件相关电位 ERP测试的方法对70例 IDA、30例正常小学生的认知功能进行对照测查。 iciba

Remove this top layer of grime with a gentle face wash skin should feel pleasantly tight for10 to15 minutes post- cleansing, which also allows anti- agers to penetrate deeper for better results.
删除此层尘垢,用柔和的洗面奶清洗后10至15分钟,皮肤应该发紧 ,可使抗老化剂穿透更深。 tianya

So are his demolitions of the sub- Thoreau ramblings of“ New Agers”.
他对“新时代人”梭罗式的漫步的摧毁也具有同样的效果。 ecocn

Some New Agers subscribe to some parts, some to others.

The goal is not simply to understand cognitive decline but also to find“ super agers” and try to find out why their brains have aged well, Park said.
帕克说,其目的不仅是要理解认知功能衰退,而且想要找到“老年超人”试图发现他们的脑为什么衰老了却功能正常。 yeeyan

This thesis analyzed their consumption mentality, consumption character and the factors that influence teen agers market on the basis of market investigation.
本文在市场调查的基础上,阐述我国城市青少年消费心理和消费行为特征,详尽地分析了影响青少年消费的各种因素。 cnki

Thousands of New Agers and neo-pagans danced and whooped in delight Monday as a bright early morning sun rose above the ancient stone circle Stonehenge, marking the summer solstice.
数千名庆祝者们在周一黎明时分欢呼雀跃,当旭日从古老的巨石阵缝隙之间升起时,标志着夏志的来临。 yeeyan




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