

单词 cut open
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The process is, first, the selected wheat straws are dried in the sun, cut open, and the pulp inside discarded.
草编是先将选好的麦草晒干,然后剖开,将中间浆状物去掉。 jukuu

The University of San Marcos does not have access to enough human cadavers for its students, so they sometimes cut open dogs instead.
圣马科斯学院根本就无法为学生提供足够的人尸,因此,偶尔用狗体作为替代品进行解剖。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

But farmers sometimes do not find the disease until they cut open a cassava.
但是农民有时切开一个木薯才能发现这种疾病。 tingclass

But farmers sometimesdiddo not find the disease until they cut open a cassava.
不过有时农民无法发现这种病害,除非他们切开木薯。 hjenglish

Earlier today, the Auckland Museum cut open a young great white shark that had been mistakenly caught by local fishermen.
今日早些时候,奥克兰博物馆剖开了一条被当地渔民误捕的幼年大白鲨。 yeeyan

First, cut open the fish, separate the fish meat and the main bone.
首先,将鱼剖开,将鱼肉和鱼中骨分离。 blog.sina.com.cn

He took out his hunting knife and cut open her corpse to find out what was wrong.
他拿出猎刀,剖开了母鹿的尸体想弄个明白。 ebigear

Only when you stand on a stool to look over the screen do you realise that his chest cavity has already been cut open.
只有在你站在凳子上看屏幕时,你才会发现他的胸腔己经被打开了。 ecocn

Stewed pear rock candy: fresh pears, peeled, cut open to nuclear, joined the amount of crystal sugar, soft Geshui Zheng pot Add to eat.
冰糖炖梨:将新鲜的梨去皮,剖开去核,加入适量冰糖,放入锅中隔水蒸软即可食用。 kekenet

The surgeon cut open my cheek to save my eye.
外科医生需要切开我的脸颊才能救回我的眼睛。 yeeyan

When he cut open a melon, he wept.
当他剖开瓜时,他哭了。 ecocn




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