

单词 cutler
释义 cut·ler 英ˈkʌtlə美ˈkʌtlɚAHDkŭtʹlər COCA²⁰²⁰²BNC⁵⁰⁶⁰⁴
a dealer in cutlerycutl-er名人|物⇒n.刀匠⁷⁸;制餐刀商²²
用作名词It's the wisdom crystal of Shanxicutler.这是山西刀匠的智慧结晶。
The occupation of acutlerseems not so popular here.刀具商的职业貌似在这儿不是很受欢迎。 At about6:45 a.m., Bear Stearns officials received an email from Stephen Cutler, J.P. Morgan's general counsel.
早晨6:45左右,贝尔斯登的官员们收到了 JP摩根首席律师史蒂芬•卡特勒 Stephen Cutler的邮件。 yeeyan

With a listing in the United States, Mr. Cutler said, a Chinese company is also likely to draw a comparison to a domestic stalwart— as in the case of Youku and YouTube.
他说,一旦在美国上市,中国企业也很喜欢把自己和美国的同类企业相比,显示在国内的实力。 yeeyan

With Cathay's business class not due for a revamp until2001, Cutler says his firm is in no hurry to jump in.
邝乐彬称其公司将不不急跟风,国泰不会在2001年前对其公务舱进行改造。 wordmind

“ Among the 55 percent of salesgenerated outside the United States, 26 percent comes from emerging nations including China, ” said Cutler, during a group interview in Shanghai on Thursday.
其中55%的的销售是在美国境外,26%来源于包括中国在内的新兴国家市场。卡特勒周四时在上海的一次团体访谈中说。 cdtv

“ Investors are clamoring for growth investment opportunities,” Mr. Cutler said of the New York Stock Exchange. “It so happens that the Chinese are delivering on all fronts.”
“投资者一直在呼吁寻找成长性的投资机会。”纽交所的卡特勒先生说,“恰巧中国公司符合他们所有的要求。” yeeyan

“ Investors are clamoring for growth investment opportunities,” Mr. Cutler said of the New York Stock Exchange.
投资者一直在呼吁寻找成长性的投资机会。 yeeyan

Britain's Got Talent star Janey Cutler has captured the attention of US television bosses, according to reports.
据报道,《英国达人》热门人物珍妮·卡特勒已经吸引了美国电视台老板们的注意。 cri

But the interest runs beyond mining companies, a good sign for the overall recovery, said Mr. Cutler.
但是不只得益于矿产公司,整个经济的复苏是一个好兆头,卡特尔说。 yeeyan

Denver and Jay Cutler look great.
丹佛和杰伊卡特勒更好看。 sportsroids.com

Develop integrate open NC system's auxiliary function such as move function, cutler compensate function and go home function, etc.
开发并联集成开放式数控系统的辅助功能如点动功能、刀补功能和回零功能等。 cnki

For the study, Cutler and colleagues compared data from two similar surveys taken roughly ten years apart.
在这项研究中, Cutler和他的同事比较了两个大约十年间的类似调查数据。 dxy

For1993, when Joseph Stiglitz and Alan Blinder were members of the CEA, and the senior economists included the eventually much-cited David Cutler and Matthew Shapiro, the average score is736.5.
而在1993年,约瑟夫•史蒂格利兹和阿兰•布林德任 CEA委员,当时的高级经济学家行列里包括大卫•卡特勒和马修•夏皮罗,该队伍平均分达到了736.5。 topsage

Jay Cutler could be making many fans of some other lucky team smile sometime soon.
周杰伦卡特勒的某个时候,可以使其他一些幸运的团队微笑许多球迷很快。 sportsroids.com

Many journalists have thus far declared2003 as“The Year of Cutler”.
许多的新闻记者都说2003年是“卡特年”。 iciba

Nussbaum’s successor, longtime Washington attorney Lloyd Cutler, had a justifiably good reputation in the Washington establishment.
努斯鲍姆的继任者劳埃德.卡特勒长期在华盛顿当律师,在华盛顿政治团队之间有着无可非议的好口碑。 yeeyan

Prospects look much better for2011, said Scott Cutler, NYSE’s head of listings.
2011年的上市前景很乐观,纽约证券交易所上市公司的负责人斯克特卡特尔说到。 yeeyan

Some presidents have picked leading legal statesmen like Lloyd N. Cutler, who served both Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.
有的总统会选择诸如劳埃德 N.卡特勒这样有名望曾经为卡特和克林顿提供服务的法学政治家。 yeeyan

The shift is driven by students, Cutler says.
这一个转变是由学生们主导的,科特勒说。 www.mba9.cn




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