

单词 Cut it out
释义 Cut it out.
Cut it out! You know I'm ticklish.
住手!你知道我怕痒。 huixue

Don't grab the controller! Hey! Cut it out!
别抢遥控器,喂,打住! oneleo

I cut it out when things get more serious with a woman, and she actually starts meeting the friends I’ve described her to.
不过,当我真正和一个女人交往,而她也和我向她描述过的那些朋友见面时,我就不谈论那事了。 yeeyan

If you do that again, I'll get ready angry. I've already told you twice to stop, now just cut it out!
如果你在这样做的话,我真的要生气了,我已经两次要你停止了,现在马上住手吧! ebigear

John and Jean were arguing, so their fat her told them to cut it out or go to bed.
约翰和吉恩在吵嘴,父亲叫他们别吵了,要不然就睡觉去。 http://www.hotdic.com

They feigned to take the stuff from the loom, cut it out in the air with big scissors, they sewed with needles without any thread, saying at last: “ Look here, now the robes are ready!”
他们假装从纺织机上取下了布料,在空中用剪子剪开,用没有线的针缝合,最后说:“看,现在衣服做好了!” yeeyan

Cut it out! I'm fine. I thought we might enjoy the time together. You know, especially now, since Mama and Papa are in Mexico visiting the relatives for the holidays.
打住!我没事。我想我们可以享受在一起的时间。你知道,特别是现在,自从妈妈和爸爸去墨西哥看亲戚。 xyxylt




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