

单词 cuticular
释义 cu·tic·u·lar 英kjʊ'tɪkjəlɚ美kjʊ'tɪkjəlɚ COCA¹⁸⁹³⁶²BNC⁵⁴⁴¹⁸iWeb⁵⁴⁸⁷²
adj.cuticle 的

of or relating to a cuticle or cuticulacuticular crown角质冠cuticular cyst皮肤囊肿cuticular plate角皮层cuticular color表皮色cuticular peg角质钉cuticular transpiration角质层蒸腾cuticular squama角质鳞cuticular bead角质珠cuticular appendage表皮附层, 表皮附器…cuticular process表皮突cuticular epithelium角化上皮cuticular ridge角质脊cuticular border小皮缘cuticular crest角质嵴cuticular membrane表皮cuticular excretion角皮排泄cuticular nodule表皮结
cut-icular⇒adj.cuticle 的近义词 dermal皮肤的epidermic解生外皮的…epidermal解生表皮的…
DFB inhibited the synthesis of cuticular chitin and protein, and also changed the structure of the complex of chitin- protein.
除抑制几丁质合成外,还改变几了-蛋白复合体的结构。 cnki

The haemolymph phenoloxidase activity of SEW was lower than that of SEM whereas cuticular phenoloxidase activity of SEW was higher than that of SEM.
相同部位酶活力相比, SEW淋巴液中的酶活力低于 SEM,而表皮内的酶活力高于 SEM。 fabiao

The outer walls of the upper and lower epidermis cells have obvious cuticular thickening.
上下表皮细胞外壁具明显的角质层加厚; http://dict.cnki.net

The cuticular microstructures of four angiosperm fossil plants from the Pliocene Mangbang Formation and the Yangyi Formation in Baoshan, Yunnan Province were studied in this paper.
本文研究了云南保山地区上新世羊邑组和芒棒组的四种被子植物化石的表皮微细构造。 dictall

Chlorophyll leaching experiment suggested that the cuticular permeability was decreased and increased in the over- expression lines and the mutant, respectively.
叶绿素浸取实验表明角质层通透性在过量表达植株中降低而在突变体中升高。 ricedata

Conclusions After phenol chemical peeling, the melanomas in cuticular layer cells decrease…
结论雀斑化学剥脱术后,表皮层细胞黑色素颗粒数量明显减少,雀斑消失; cnki

Hydrocarbons were the major lipid class extracted by hexane or chloroform from the cuticular surface of overwintering gall fly larvae.
碳氢化合物主要油脂类提取正己烷氯仿或从表面角质层越冬虫瘿苍蝇幼虫。 e069

In this study, SDS was used to extracted cuticular proteins from the silkworm larvae.
本实验利用强阴离子去污剂 SDS抽提家蚕幼虫表皮中难溶的几丁质结合蛋白。 fabiao

Leaf cuticular membrane was granular, reticulate, or papilliform.

Observations on the lower epidermal characters of leaves show that the cuticular layer is mainly striate thickened.
叶的表皮观察表明,下表皮角质层主要为条纹状加厚。 cnki

The results showed that the foliar surface cells of these two Sabina species were covered with thick cuticular membrane, and the well- developed parenchyma appeared in the mesophyll.
结果表明,祁连圆柏和圆柏叶片的上下表皮细胞外覆盖一层角质膜,叶肉细胞间隙大,形成发达的通气组织。 cnki

The recent progress in cloning and characterization of plant cuticular wax genes was reviewed and the prospects of the research in wax genes was also discussed.
作者对近年来角质层蜡质基因的研究进展进行综述,同时也对蜡质基因的研究前景提出一些看法。 cnki

There was thin cuticular wall perforated by numerous pores in sensilla auricillica, and less than5 dendritic branches, each of which contained different amount of microtubules.
耳形感器,壁薄多孔,内部有少于5个的树突分支,树突内含有数量不等的微管。 com

This dissertation studied developing trap and taxonomy of termite by analyzing cuticular hydrocarbons, and its application in plant quarantine.
本文从饵剂筛选、白蚁分类及其在检疫中的应用三个方面对进口木材携带的白蚁进行了研究。 fabiao

Cuticular protein and chitin self- assemble into regularly arranged fibrils, which is the fundamental structure of cuticle.
表皮蛋白和几丁质通过自我组装形成复合物的超高级结构,这种结构是昆虫表皮行使功能的基础。 fabiao




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