

单词 cuter
释义 cu·ter 英kjuːt美kjuːt COCA⁶¹¹⁰⁷BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺

pretty; charming


clever; sharp-witted

attractive especially by means of smallness or prettiness or quaintness;

a cute kid with pigtails

a cute little apartment

cunning kittens

a cunning baby

obviously contrived to charm;

an insufferably precious performance

a child with intolerably cute mannerisms

用作形容词 adj.
~+名词cute baby逗人喜爱的婴儿cute businessman精明的商人cute operator机灵鬼cute remarks高论
近义词 sweet甜的smart时髦的sharp锋利的quick迅速的pretty相当地shrewd精明的clever聪明的bright明亮的cunning狡猾的naughty顽皮的darling亲爱的unusual异常的charming迷人的becoming合适的precious宝贵的agreeable愉快的dainty小巧精致的adorable值得崇敬的pleasant令人愉快的appealing引起兴趣的endearing惹人喜爱的attractive有吸引力的delightful令人愉快的quick-witted反应灵敏的
~+ n.Isn't it a cute dog?它是多么逗人喜爱的小狗啊!
He is a cute businessman.他是个精明的商人。
Be careful with him; he's a cute operator.对他可要小心,他是个机灵鬼。
S+be+~The little girl is very cute.那个小女孩非常聪明。
用作形容词Isn't she acutebaby!她是个多么逗人喜爱的孩子啊!
Leila kept smiling her outrageouslycutesmile.莱拉脸上始终挂着非常可爱的笑容。
It wascuteof you to spot that.你能把那个挑出来真是精明的很。
Listen, if you drop thecuteact and ask me honestly, I'll tell you the truth.听着,你要是不耍这些小花招,老老实实地问我的话,我会告诉你实情的。用作名词I walked in the damp and dark path of the hill, in the light of thiscuteorange latern.我提着这灵巧的小橘灯,慢慢地在黑暗潮湿的山路上走着。 A tentative study of ultrasonic vibration drilling of carbon-fibre is carried out through experimental analysis, and conception of chopping of the rotate ultrasonic cuter has been put forward.
本文对碳纤维复合材料超声波振动钻孔进行了初步探索和试验分析,提出了旋转超声刀切剁概念。 cnki

And the only thing cuter than one cub, is two.
比这个小家伙更可爱的是有两只小云豹降生。 putclub

Celebrities always seem to have a better life than the rest of us; nicer houses, cooler cars and even cuter children.
苏芮·克鲁斯名人们好像总是比我们其他人有更好的生活:更漂亮的房子,更酷的座驾,甚至有更可爱的孩子。 joyen

It costs about the same as mowing the lawn but the goats were“a lot cuter to watch.”
租用山羊清理草地的成本与使用割草机差不多,但山羊「看起来可爱多了」。 suyage.com

The blonde carefully considered the entire flock and finally picked the one that was by far cuter and more playful than any of the others.
金发女郎仔细地观察了整个羊群,最后,她拿走了其中最可爱、最好玩的一只。 yeeyan

The jet cuter is similar but uses a jet charge instead of chemical action to cut the tubular.
聚能切割器与化学切割器相似,不过聚能切割器使用聚能弹来切割管子而不是利用化学作用。 www.infopetro.com.cn

But I'm guessing it looks probably like a sea monkey center now and we should let it get a little cuter.
但它现在跟个海猴子似的,得等他长可爱点才行。 ent.163.com

But I'm guessing it looks, probably like a sea monkey right now, and I should let it get a little cuter.
但是我猜,它现在看起来就好像是一个网络软件,我应该让它看起来更可爱一些。 yzwa

Her boyfriend is cuter than Brad Pitt.
她的男朋友比布拉德·彼特还帅。 joyen

How can you make cute cats even cuter? Easy: By putting them in wigs!

However lousy it is to sit in your basement and pretend to be an elf, I can tell you from personal experience it's worse to sit in your basement and try to figure if Ginger or Mary Ann is cuter.
坐在地下室冒充精灵,这的确很糟,但以我的个人经验,更糟的是坐在地下室幻想可爱的金吉儿或玛丽安。 yeeyan

I know what the real meaning is, but I can’t I challenge anyone to show me a character cuter than this one.
我知道这个字的真正意思,不过没人能找到比这个字更可爱的字了。 yeeyan

If you believe that Japanese girls are cuter than Americans, then fine. That's your opinion.
如果你相信日本女孩比美国女孩更可爱,那么好,这是你的观点。 acfun

It costs us about the same as mowing, and goats are a lot cuter to watch than lawn mowers.
这同样花费了割一次草的费用,而且看管山羊比割草机更费心。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Over time he gets cuter and cuter and cuter as the artist converged on more and more baby-like features.
随着时间推移,他越来越可爱,因为美工赋予了它,越来越多婴儿的特点。 v.163.com

She carefully considered the entire flock and finally picked the one that was by far cuter and more playful than any of the others.
她认真地考虑了整个羊群,最后挑了一只远比其他的更可爱和更爱玩的羊。 blog.sina.com.cn

The graphic novels are often less action-oriented and cuter than their traditional U.S. counterparts.
日本图画小说一般来说都比美国漫画人物更加可爱,并且动作导向更少。 yeeyan

They put it as“ A lot cuter to watch than lawn mowers.”
他们称之为“比割草机看起来可爱多了。” yeeyan

To finish a car's name with an “ O” makes it sound more familiar, cuter and more fun.
让汽车的名字也以字母“ O”结束,让人感觉更亲切、可爱,更有意思。 joyen

With the development of cuter technology, the Internet.
随着计算机技术的成长,互联网越来越受接待。 xnfzl




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