

单词 customer
释义 cus·tom·er 英ˈkʌstəmə美ˈkʌstəmɚAHDkŭsʹtə-mər ★★★★☆常小初高四六研IT牛4COCA¹²⁴⁶BNC¹⁸¹⁸iWeb²⁶⁴Economist²⁹³⁶


a person who buys things from a shop

someone who pays for goods or services
customer, guest, shopper


guest指旅馆、饭店等的顾客; shopper指商店里的顾客; customer则是针对某一商店而言的顾客。

来自custom, 惯例,海关。原指海关官员,后指买者,顾客。
用作名词 n.
动词+~attract customers吸引顾客draw customers招引顾客increase customers增多顾客lose customers减少顾客please customers取悦于顾客treat one's customers fairly公平对待顾客win customers赢得顾客形容词+~casual customer偶尔光临的顾客chance customer偶然光顾的顾客hard customer难对付的人old customer老顾客potential customer潜在顾客regular customer老主顾rough customer粗暴的人名词+~credit customer赊购的顾客woman customer女顾客
非常记忆custom风俗〖熟词〗+er儿〖拼音〗⇒顾客把家乡风俗讲给儿子听custom习惯+er者→习惯光临者→顾客⇒处理对象,打交道的人。词根记忆custom+er人=习惯进商店的人=顾客近义词 buyerclientpatronconsumer
用作名词n.She's rather a tricky customer to do business with.她是个很难打交道的滑头家伙。
What sort of a customer is he?他是个什么样的人?
These goods enjoy growing favour among the customers.这些货物越来越受顾客的欢迎。
That shopkeeper cheats his customers.那个店主欺骗顾客。
We should tend on customers warmly.我们应该热情招待顾客。
To save customers' time, they began a delivery service.为了节省顾客的时间,他们实行送货上门。
We must be responsible to customers.我们必须对我们的顾客负责。
Bargaining can go on the whole day, or even several days, with the customers coming and going at intervals.讨价还价可以进行一整天,甚至进行好几天,买主则时来时往。
There have only been six customers in the shop today.今天店里就来了六位顾客。
The new shop across the road has taken away most of mycustomers.马路对面那家新开的商店把我的大部分顾客都抢走了。
The drinks were produced in response to customer demand.这种新饮料是按顾客的要求生产的。


用作名词My father asked me to see thecustomerto the door.我父亲要我送顾客到门口。
The new store across the road has taken away most of mycustomers.路那边的那家新店抢走了我的许多主顾。noun.buyer of goods, services
同义词 client,consumer,patron,purchaserclientele,prospecthabitué,regular shopper
反义词 manager,owner
buyernoun someone who purchases
client,consumer,easy make,emptor,end user,patron,prospect,purchaser,representative,shopper,sucker,user,vendee
characternoun odd person
card,clown,crank,customer,eccentric,freak,nut,nut case,oddball,oddity,original,personality,wack,weirdo
consumernoun person who buys merchandise, services
buyer,customer,end user,enjoyer,purchaser,shopper,user
consumersnoun person who buys merchandise, services
buyers,customers,end users,enjoyers,purchasers,shoppers,users
frequenternoun haunter
customer,denizen,frequent visitor,habitué,patron,regular,regular customer
guestnoun person accommodated, given hospitality
bedfellow,boarder,caller,client,companion,company,customer,ephemera,frequenter,habitué,inmate,lodger,mate,out-of-towner,partaker,patron,recipient,renter,roomer,sharer,sojourner,tenant,transient,vacationer,visitant,visitor How about your customer service?
你的顾客服务如何? yeeyan

The shop laid the cloth by for a customer.

The customer will be reimbursed for any loss or damage.

Who is our customer?
我们的客户是谁? fortunechina

After all, without the customer, there is no professional.
毕竟,没有顾客,就没有专业人士。 yeeyan

But once you have made an estimate, you still have to convince your customer or boss to accept it.
但是一旦你做出预测,剩下的事情就是你不得不说服你的客户或老板承认它。 yeeyan

But the way we go about it may not be adding value for the customer.
但我们达到这一点的方式可能对客户并不产生价值。 ibm

But what happens if I want to log every time the name of the customer is retrieved or set?
但是如果我想在每次检索或设置客户名称时都记录日志,会发生什么呢? ibm

Developers, remember that this is not your code; it belongs either to the organization or to a customer.
开发人员需要记住,这不是您自己的代码,它属于整个团体或者某个用户。 ibm

Each warehouse reports back to the retailer which portion if any of the customer order it was able to fulfil.
每个仓库把它能完成客户定单的哪个部分如果有的报告返回给零售商。 ibm

Everyone is clear and agrees on who the customer is.
每个人都很清楚也很赞同他们的客户是谁。 ibm

However, the most important thing about conducting a customer satisfaction survey is what you do with their answers.
然而,对于实行客户满意调查来说,最重要的事情是你得到答案以后的进展。 yeeyan

I think you have a customer over there.

Ideally, the intention should not be to hide design debt from the customer, as I will discuss later in this paper.
理想条件下,这样做的意图并不是对客户隐藏设计债,我会在稍后的文章中对它进行讨论。 ibm

If you lose a customer, regret it rather than excuse it.
如果你失去了一位顾客,宁可后悔也不要找藉口; cri

If your code is simply groundwork for another group to use, then that other group is your customer.
如果代码仅仅是供另外一个部门使用的基础代码,那么,这个部门就是您的用户。 ibm

In the case of our small customer database, this is not an issue.
在我们这个很小的客户数据库的例子中,这不是一个问题。 ibm

Once you have reviewed all the wording and confirmed it with your customer, you can proceed to step number three.
一旦您检查了所有的用语并确定客户也满意这样的用语,那么您就可以进入第三步。 ibm

So we glyphic the customer.

The girl in the shop is always eager to please every customer.

The customer detected an imitation from a real thing.

We have to retain our best customer. We have to be there.
我们必须获得那份销售合同,留住最好的客户。 yeeyan

We also have a customer deployment.
我们还有一个客户部署。 ibm

Who better knows what the system must do than the customer?
还有谁比客户更能知道系统必须去做什么? ibm

Who is my customer?
谁是我的客户? ibm




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