

单词 custodians
释义 custodians kʌˈstəʊdi:ənz COCA³⁸²⁰⁷BNC²⁶⁴⁵¹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
n.看守人;保管人custodian的名词复数原型custodian的复数 But many of the new custodians of people's reading records do not seem inclined to do the same.
但是许多新的浏览记录保护者并没有意识到这一点,也没有这样做。 yeeyan

During the country’s economic rise, they were the custodians of the nation’s wealth and the catalysts to its industrialisation.
当国家经济处于上升期时,它们是国家财富的保管人和工业化的催化剂。 ecocn

Global custodians safeguard and administer securities for banks, mutual funds and other institutional investors.
全球托管业务为银行、共同基金及其它机构投资者保管证券。 ecocn

He was eventually shown Winnie’s letter over forty days after she sent it but again the joy was tainted by the crassness of his custodians.
他最终读到了温妮的回信,这时距离该信寄出已经超过四十天了;但心头的喜悦却又一次地被看守的粗鲁蒙上了阴影。 yeeyan

He stressed the need for governments to assist poor livestock keepers, who are the custodians of a large proportion of animal genetic diversity.
他强调,各国政府有必要援助贫穷的家畜饲养者,是他们保管着大部分动物遗传多样性。 fao

Pension funds and others fear they will be charged a higher premium by custodians as a result.
养老金等诸多基金公司担忧自己最终将向托管方缴纳更高的保险费。 ecocn

The second objection is that the directive seems to require everyone from managers through prime brokers to custodians to be based in the European Union.
第二项反对理由认为该指令似乎要求从经理,到首席经纪商,乃至保管人都从属与欧盟之下。 ecocn

They include three titans—JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley—as well as two regional banks, three custodians and two credit- card issuers.
其中包括三个银行业巨人-摩根大通,高盛和摩根士丹利,另外还有两家区域银行,三家信托公司和三家信用卡公司。 ecocn

Tri-party collateral management, whereby a third bank acts an intermediary between a buyer and seller, is another growth area for custodians.
借以第三方银行作为借贷双方的中间人的三方担保管理是管理人的另一发展领域。 ecocn

We are the custodians of life’s meaning.
我们才是生命意义的护卫者。 ebigear




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