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词汇 Cushing
释义 Cushing. ˈkuʃiŋ

United States neurologist noted for his study of the brain and pituitary gland and who identified Cushing's syndrome 1869-1939Cushing's suture医 库兴氏缝术(…
His main subjects were the places and people of Chadds Ford and Cushing, Maine.
怀斯的创作主题是宾州恰兹佛德镇和缅因州库辛镇两地的人物与风光。 yeeyan

On Monday August4th, someone agreed to deliver1,000 barrels of light, sweet crude at Cushing next month for less than$120 a barrel.
8月4日星期一,一些人同意以不到120美元一桶的价格下月在 Cushing交割1000桶轻质,低硫原油。 ecocn

The glut of oil in Cushing has dragged down the price of WTI, causing it to diverge from other oil prices.
库欣地区供过于求的石油供应拉低了西德州轻质石油的价格,使其与其他石油产品价格背道而驰。 ecocn

But the cost is so high that only places like the Cushing Academy or well endowed universities can afford it — the rest of us just end up with books in the dumpster.
但其成本太高,只有像库欣高中或很好的私立大学才能负担得起——而我们其他学校只好把图书扔进垃圾桶。 yeeyan

Objective To study the relationship between the occurrence of hypokalemia and hydrocortisone in patients with Cushing syndrome.
目的探讨库欣综合征病人低钾血症的发生与氢化可的松的关系。 iciba

Objective: To explore the relationship between the occurrence of hypokalemia in patients with Cushing syndrome and cortisol.
目的:探讨库欣综合征患者低钾血症的发生与氢化可的松的关系。 iciba

That's where we dined that night we went with those two Cushing boys.
那就是那天晚上我们和库欣两兄弟一起去吃饭的地方。 xddhy

The Enbridge pipeline shutting last Thursday was expected to help reduce stocks at the Cushing, Oklahoma, hub, delivery point for U.S. benchmark crude West Texas Intermediate.
上周三,市场预期 Enbridge石油管道的关闭会缩减作为美国基准油WTI主要交付地的俄克拉荷马州库欣地区的原油库存。 yeeyan

The researchers said having too little fat around the hips can lead to serious metabolic problems, as occurs in Cushing's syndrome.
研究者称臀部过小会引起严重的代谢问题,比如引起库欣综合症。 hjenglish

CUSHING is a small town and a trading hub in Oklahoma, home to about 8,400 people and a latticework of oil pipelines.
Cushing城镇有约8400居民和纵横交错的输油管网,是俄克拉荷马州的贸易中心。 ecocn

Cushing stocks did slip581,000 barrels last week, the EIA said.
能源信息署证实这一点,上周库欣库存下滑581,000桶。 yeeyan

Cushing's syndrome is another rare hormone disorder which can be caused by a non- cancerous tumour in the pituitary gland.
库欣综合症是另一种罕见的激素紊乱症,它能由脑下垂体中的非癌性肿瘤引起。 yeeyan




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