

单词 curtailment
释义 cur·tail·ment 美kɝ'telmənt ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁵³⁸³⁹BNC³²⁹³⁰iWeb³²⁷⁸⁹Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

the temporal property of being cut shortthe act of withholding or withdrawing some book or writing from publication or circulation;

a suppression of the newspaper

the reduction of expenditures in order to become financially stablecurtail缩减curtailment of expenditure支出削减import curtailment削减进口curtailment of operation收缩经营curtailment of expenditures on armaments栽减军备费用支出…curtailment of production生产削减curtailment of expenditures经费节减
curtail-ment行为|结果⇒n.缩减⁵⁵;缩短⁴⁵近义词 cut切curb路边decrease减少reduction减少abstinence节制diminution减少limitation限制compression压缩contraction收缩restriction限制suppression镇压shortening起酥油retrenchment减少downsizing缩小规模

用作名词In spite of economic despair, the Rulers never think in thecurtailmentof defense expenditure of the country.尽管经济低迷,统治者却从来没有想过缩减国防开支。
If economic recovery continues and today'scurtailmentof political freedoms proves transitory, Mr Putin could yet be hailed as Russia's saviour.如果经济复苏持续下去,且如今政治自由的缩减被证明是短暂的,普京还是会被当作俄罗斯的救星而受人爱戴。noun.decrease
同义词 abbreviation,condensation,cutback,reduction
反义词 enlargement,increase
abridgementnoun shortening, summary
abridgmentnoun condensation
condensationnoun abridgment
contractionnoun drawing in;shortening
abbreviating,abbreviationabridgingabridgment,compression,condensation,condensing,confinement,confining,constriction,curtailing,curtailment,cutting down,decrease,decreasing,deflating,deflation,diminishing,diminution,drawing together,dwindling,elision,evaporating,evaporation,lesseningloppingnarrowing,omission,omitting,receding,recession,reducing,reduction,shrinkage,shrinkingshrivellingtensing,tightening,withdrawal,withdrawing
cutbacknoun decrease
decrementnoun decrease
abatement,curtailment,cutback,decline,diminishment,diminution,lessening,reduction,slowdown,subtraction The minimization model of load curtailment, correlated algorithms, and flow chart of program are given in this paper.
文章给出了该最优负荷削减模型,以及相应算法,程序流程图。 cnki

There are increasingly loud calls for reform of the system, with demands that range from a full- fledged bail-out of borrowers to a phased curtailment of government lending.
体制改革的呼声越发高涨,人们渴求完善应急措施,阶段性减少政府资助等一系列改革。 ecocn

While energy curtailment has come to Hawaii also, it should not affect the pleasure of your holiday.
夏威夷已开始节俭能源,但这不会影响大家愉快地度假。 jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn

“By far the most widespread source of discontent in the ruling family is the King's curtailment of their privileges, ” the cable says.
电报称,“目前对统治家族最普遍的不满是国王特权的缩减。” yeeyan

At a certain hour each evening a siren signals the curtailment of electrical power, and the lights flicker off.
每个傍晚在一个某小时一个女海妖向电力的缩减作信号,而且光走开闪动。 liyapeng

But the life of an older person is characterized by a contraction of forces, by the affirmation of what has been achieved, and by the curtailment of further growth.
年长人生活的特征则是往后缩,肯定自己那些收获的成就,却不会促进自身持续成长。 easemind

Civil Liberty: We believe also in protest against the curtailment of our civil rights.
公民自由:我们还支持反对剥夺我们民权的斗争。 usinfo

During this Period, the distribution acreage and space showed curtailment, at the same time, the natural forest were chopped down continuously.
在这一时期内,陇东地区森林分布面积和空间均呈缩减的态势,天然森林进一步遭到破坏。 cnki

In recent years, with the curtailment of flux runoff of the Yellow River, Zhengzhou has become one of the cities being short of water badly.
近年来,随着黄河流量的缩减,郑州已经成为全国严重缺水的城市之一。 cnki

In spite of economic despair, the Rulers never think in the curtailment of defense expenditure of the country.
尽管经济低迷,统治者却从来没有想过缩减国防开支。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

In the meantime it would do no harm to advise people that a sustained curtailment of sleeping time might contribute to long-term ill health in adults and children.
同时,要无害的劝导人们,坚持缩短睡眠时间是成人和孩子们的长期的不健康的原因之一。 yeeyan

In the interruptible load managementILM of power systems, customers' shortage cost could be significantly reduced by early notification of curtailment.
在电力系统可中断负荷管理中,提前通知中断用户供电可有效减少用户停电损失。 dictall

In transmission management, transaction curtailment is the last resort for relieving congestion to maintain system reliability.
在输电网管理中,交易裁减是实现阻塞消除的最后一道防线。 dictall

Iran's curtailment of outside influences on its numerous students and young people belies their important role in the downfall of the shah30 years ago.
阻止外界对其国内大量学生和青年影响的伊朗政府,同其在30年前伊朗王朝没落中所扮演的重要角色不符。 ecocn

More than half the participants focused on conservation by curtailment: switching off the lights, changing thermostat settings and driving less.
超过半数的受访者认为减少使用是节能重点——例如关灯、调节温度器设置以及少开车。 hjenglish

Sleep loss due to voluntary bedtime curtailment has become a hallmark of modern society.
自觉减少睡眠时间现象是现代社会日益突出的特点。 chemyq

Study the question for considering optimal load curtailment in bulk power system adequacy evaluation.
研究电网可靠性评估中考虑最优负荷削减的问题。 cnki

This should lead to a curtailment of credit in 2011, which will pull down fixed- asset investment and GDP growth as well.
此举应导致2011年信贷投放的收缩,并导致固定资产投资和 GDP增速双双下降。 yeeyan

WikiLeaks and other media do not demand legal compliance. All they do is push toward transparency and the curtailment of military operations that generate grisly images.
维基解密及其他媒体也无法要求别人遵守法律,他们所做的不过是增进一些事件的透明度,并抵制可能会带来严重后果的军事行动。 yeeyan




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