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词汇 curt
释义 curt. kə:t
abbr.current Scottish=instant 苏格兰语立即的

marked by rude or peremptory shortness;

try to cultivate a less brusque manner

a curt reply

the salesgirl was very short with him

brief and to the point; effectively cut short;

a crisp retort

a response so curt as to be almost rude

the laconic reply; `yes'

short and terse and easy to understand

来自拉丁语形容词curtus切短的,不完整的,派生自原始印欧语词根*sker-切,本意就是“被切掉一截的”,和单词short短的同源,开头辅助发音的s脱落了,c/k-h相通。GRE难词记忆curt→court n.法庭→法庭上简短的发言联想记忆cut切+r→把r一刀切了→简短的,草率的GRE红宝书cut 切,删节,curtail 缩减 courtn.法庭⇒法庭上简短的发言词根记忆说话)短而粗暴的近义词 short短的blunt钝的crisp脆的terse简洁的brief短暂的rough粗糙的sharp锋利的gruff粗鲁的harsh粗糙的brisk敏锐的summary摘要brusk唐突的abrupt突然的sudden突然的snappy干脆的snippy暴躁的brusque唐突的laconic简洁的concise简明的surly脾气坏的offhand即时的rude粗鲁无礼的peremptory专横的cynical愤世嫉俗的unexpected想不到的

He rapped out a series ofcurtcommands.他大声发出了一连串简短的命令。
`No!' was hiscurtrejoinder.他草率地回答了一声`不!'
He rapped out a series ofcurtcommands.他大声发出了一连串简短的命令。adj.abrupt, rude
同义词 blunt,brusque,concise,offhand,pithy,succinct,tersebreviloquent,brief,churlish,compendiary,compendious,crusty,gruff,imperious,laconic,peremptory,sharp,short,short and sweet,snappish,snippety,snippy,summary,tart,unceremonious,uncivil,ungracious
反义词 lengthy,long-winded,polite,tactful,wordyceremonious,civil,gracious
abruptadjective rude or brief in manner
bluffadjective abrupt
bluntadjective straightforward
blunteradjective straightforward
briefadjective short, compressed
abrupt,bluff,blunt,boiled down,breviloquent,brusque,compendiary,compendious,concise,crisp,curt,hasty,laconic,limited,little,pithy,sharp,short and sweet,skimpy,small,snippy,succinct,surly,terse,to the point
brittleadjective tense
curt,edgy,irritable,nervous,prim,short,stiff,stilted He's known to be more social than the younger Bill Gates, but they share a sharp intellect and a bluntness that can come across to some as curt.
众所周知,老盖茨比儿子更擅长交际,但他们都有敏锐的才智,而且同样直率,这种直率在一些人看来可能有点唐突。 yeeyan

In a curt statement released on Tuesday, the Russian Foreign Ministry admitted that the11 suspected spies were in fact“ Russian citizens who ended up on U.S. territory at different times.”
星期二发布的一段简短声明中,俄罗斯外交部长承认11名嫌疑人确实是“不同时期从美国返回的俄罗斯公民”。 yeeyan

Since the latter revelation was made to Le Figaro, a French newspaper, it fell to the French foreign ministry to issue a curt reminder of UN Security Council resolution1737.
核合作交易计划一经费加罗报一家法国报纸知晓后,法国外交部立即发出一则短讯提请其注意联合国安理会决议第1737条。 ecocn

The worker sued, and the owner of the laundry, one Curt Muller, was fined$10.
工人提出了诉讼,结果判定洗衣店的老板一位叫库尔特•穆勒的人被罚款10美元。 ecocn

“ You’re just upset, ” Curt said.
“你只是心情不好,” Curt说。 yeeyan

As race day approaches the two opposing camps eat meals at opposite ends of the family kitchen, communication is reduced to curt nods, and the feeling of brotherhood is replaced by one of hostility.
随着比赛日期的临近,交战双方在自家厨房的两头吃饭,交流只剩下草草的点头,兄弟情谊也已转变成了敌对情绪。 ecocn

Besides, the curt BBC conversation included no mention of a return date.
此外,英国广播公司的简短采访中并没有提及他的返回日期。 ecocn

He issued his final orders in the tap- room in a curt, but profoundly tranquil tone; Feuilly listened and replied in the name of all.
他在地下室简短地发出了最后的指示,语气十分镇静,弗以伊听着并代表大家回答。 ebigear

I didn’t want any of us to miss that game, because I knew that Curt’s career was coming to an end.
我不希望我们任何人错过赛事,因为我知道, Curt的投球生涯即将结束。 yeeyan

I sobbed, when Curt answered.
Curt接电话后,我抽泣着说。 yeeyan

I was curt.
我生硬地答道。 ebigear

If he received a personal call during a busy time, he could be curt.
在忙碌的时间如果他接到私人电话,他也只是三言两语。 yeeyan

In the kitchen, I grabbed the phone to call Curt, who was on the road.
在厨房里,我抓起电话打给 Curt,他正在路上。 yeeyan

Later, when she took a job managing former peers, she felt their jealousy in curt, backhanded compliments.
稍后,当她升职,开始管理以前的同行时,她感到了他们讥讽的恭维中所包含的嫉妒。 hjenglish

There was a great one in Phoenix that we used when Curt played for the Arizona Diamondbacks from2000 to2003.
我们在凤凰城时就用这个方法,非常好,当时 Curt年在亚利桑那响尾蛇队,自2000年至2003年。 yeeyan

Curt Schilling, an outspoken former player for the Red Sox, has expressed interest.
而红袜子队一名直爽的前队员柯尔特·施林也对此席位表示有兴趣。 ecocn




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