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词汇 cursors
释义 cursors ˈkɜ:səz COCA¹⁷¹²⁸⁰BNC⁶⁸⁹²⁹
n.光标¹⁵;游标⁸⁵;鼠标指针cursor的复数原型cursor的复数 The reason for this performance issue is that Unified ODBC uses scrollable dynamic cursors to issue SELECT statements.
产生这种性能问题的原因是,统一 ODBC使用可滚动的键集驱动游标来发出 SELECT语句。 ibm

As XML cursors are moved in the code, they move from one token to another.
在代码中移动 XML游标时,可以将它从一个标志移动到另一个标志。 ibm

Declare cursors for each of the result sets to be returned that specify the WITH RETURN clause.
对于每个将要返回的结果集,使用 WITH RETURN子句声明游标。 ibm

For OLTP applications, there should be less sorting and temp space required and only a handful of concurrent cursors opened at a time.
对于 OLTP应用程序,所需的排序和临时空间会比较少,一次只打开少数并发游标。 ibm

For rowset cursors, the JDBC1 positioned update syntax needs be aware of the rowset.
对于行集游标, JDBC1定位更新语法必须知道行集的存在。 ibm

He leads the AIM Research Group that developed the cursors.
他领导的 AIM研究小组开发了这种新型光标。 ebigear

However, in some cases, you will need to read cursors both forward and backward, in which case you should use scrollable cursor.
但某些情况下,您需要游标既能向前又能向后,此时需要使用可滚动游标。 ibm

I expect, however, that as JDBC3.0 drivers become available, most implementations will continue to close cursors after the transaction completes.
然而,我希望在可以使用 JDBC3.0驱动程序时,大多数执行在事务结束后仍旧会关闭游标。 ibm

In contrast, IDS SPL supports a similar cursor looping statement but does not allow cursors to be explicitly declared, opened, or closed.
相反,虽然 IDS SPL也支持类似的游标循环语句,但是不允许显式地声明、打开或关闭游标。 ibm

In order to keep the cursor open after commit, they should be declared as WITH HOLD cursors in DB2.
在 DB2中,要想让游标在提交之后仍然打开,应该把它们声明为 WITH HOLD游标。 ibm

In the second set of stored procedures, strings were used in place of arrays, and cursors were heavily used to fetch rows from multi- row result sets.
在第二组存储过程中,使用字符串替代了阵列,且大量使用光标以便从多行结果集合中提取行。 ibm

Note that blocking cursors do pre- fetching.
注意,成块游标要进行预取。 ibm

Open the cursors to be returned.
打开将被返回的游标。 ibm

Since ODBC can be used to model a data source that may not allow multiple cursors, the default for ODBC wrapper is set to 0.
由于 ODBC可用于建模不允许多个游标的数据源,因此对于 ODBC包装器,该选项的值为0。 ibm

Such cursors can be manipulated in a number of interesting ways, as shown in Listing2.
此类游标可以用很多有趣的方法来操作,如清单2所示。 ibm

The AIM Research Group has developed two cursors.
AIM研究小组已经开发了两种光标。 ebigear

The two cursors both enable scrolling, which lets you move around within a cursor— forward and reverse, in both a relative and an absolute sense.
两类游标都将启用滚动,滚动将使您可以在游标内相对和绝对地向前移动和向后移动。 ibm

There is no MRF support for forward only cursors.
还没有针对单进游标的 MRF支持。 ibm

This means the database server has run out of dynamic cursors.
这意味着数据库服务器已用尽动态游标。 ibm

This variable controls whether uncommitted inserts can be ignored for cursors under the CS or RS isolation levels.
这个变量控制未提交的插入在 CS或者 RS隔离级别下是否可以被游标忽略。 ibm

Transactions are not isolated from each other, and read only cursors can access uncommitted changes from other transactions.
事务之间未隔离,只读游标可访问其他事务未提交的更改。 ibm

With no escape sequences to move cursors, change foreground and background colors, set blinking or inverse, etc. , we are back to Teletypewriters and other mechanical aids.
没有转义字符移动光标、改变前景和背景色、设置闪屏或反向等等,我们将回到电传打字机和其它机械辅助的时代。 yeeyan

Cursors are a common database abstraction that allow programs and you to view and, thereby, process the results of a query one row at a time.
游标是一种常见的数据库抽象,允许逐行查看和处理查询的结果。 ibm




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