

单词 curries
释义 cur·ry 英'kʌri美'kɜːri COCA⁴⁷⁷⁵⁷BNC⁴⁶⁸⁶¹Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
East Indian cookery a pungent dish of vegetables or meats flavored with curry powder and usually eaten with rice
season with a mixture of spices; typical of Indian cookingtreat by incorporating fat;

curry tanned leather

give a neat appearance to;

groom the dogs

dress the horses

curry favour求宠于人, 拍…curry favor with巴结(讨好curry powder咖哩粉curry favor求宠(于人, 拍…Middle English中世纪英语
近义词 groom新郎dress服装

用作名词I feel like eatingcurryand rice tonight.今晚我想吃咖哩饭。
Give me an order of chickencurry.给我来一份咖喱鸡。用作动词The chickencurriedwith rice is very good.咖喱鸡饭很不错。 It will double nicely if you're making a number of curries but you will need to extend the cooking time a bit.
如果同时制作大量的咖喱酱并将烹调的时间适当延长,此酱汁的味道会更好。 blog.sina.com.cn

The danger of red-hot curries is that they can leave one gasping and in tears.
红热的咖喱的危害是它们会让人一边大口的喘气一边流泪。 ecocn

You cook it in much the same way as other red curries but there is an extra step with the wax gourd.
基本上它和普通红咖喱的做法一样,只是多了一个加入冬瓜的步骤。 hjenglish

“ In the UK most deaths are from curries, weddings, parties, and not knowing what satay and pesto are, ” says Gowland, my fellow passenger on the Vienna flight.
“在英国,大多数过敏致死是由咖哩、婚礼、派对引起的,而他们并不知道什么是沙嗲和香蒜,”和我同机前往维也纳的高兰说。 yeeyan

“ Thai( curry dishes are not like the usual curries,” says the chef.
“泰国咖喱菜不像一般的咖喱,”厨师说。 hxen

Chefs mused about offering only curries, ' but our passengers wouldn't let us,' said LSG manager Ernest Derenthal.
厨师们想过只提供咖喱,“但乘客们不会答应的,”汉莎天厨经理埃内斯特•德伦塔尔 Ernest Derenthal如是说道。 voa365

I often cook with the aromatic spice but mostly in curries although I do use it in rice puddings too.
我经常用到有香味的调料但大多用在咖喱食品中尽管也用在米饭布丁中。 yeeyan

Indian curries use dry powders made up of ground spice blends, which better emphasize their earthy intensity.
印度咖喱用干粉末香料混合制成,更好地强调它们朴实的味道。 hxen

INDIA'S curries can be even hotter than the fieriest of Chinese hotpots; likewise the temperature of the two economies.
印度咖喱可以比中国的罐焖土豆烧肉更烫,同样道理也适用于两国的经济。 ecocn

It serves Malaysian and South Indian specialities such as fish-head curry, tandoori naan and mutton and chicken curries.
他给马来西亚和南印度提供像鱼头咖喱、唐杜里烤饼、羊肉和鸡肉咖喱这样的小吃。 yeeyan

It can be put in coffee, deserts, soups, curries, and even wine.
它可以加在咖啡、汤、咖喱甚至酒里。 kekenet

Kingfisher beer is popular wherever spicy curries are eaten.
在所有咖喱饭盛行之处,都有翠丰啤酒的销路。 ecocn.org

Most Indian curries are cooked in vegetable oil.
印度咖喱是最熟的植物油。 blog.sina.com.cn

Scientists have come up with a new reason why some people struggle to stay away from fattening chips, chocolate and curries.
科学家们正在研究一个问题,为什么很多人对远离那些使人发胖的食物,如薯片,巧克力,咖喱等那么困难。 cri

There is also a mouth-watering selection of Asian restaurants serving curries, as well as shops stocked with exotic vegetables and fruits.
供应咖喱的亚洲餐馆有着令人垂涎三尺的精选美食,也有商店存储着进口的蔬菜和水果。 exue

These genetic materials are at the base of our food crops, our breads, our curries, our tortillas and our couscous.
这些遗传材料是我们的粮食作物、面包、咖喱饭、玉米饼和古斯古斯硬质小麦饭的基础。 fao

This is one of my favourite curries that I cook every now and then.
这是我最喜欢的咖喱,我经常都做。 hjenglish

This spice, a key ingredient in curries, grows wild in Malaysian jungles.
这种调料是咖喱的主要成分,主要生长在马来西亚丛林里。 yeeyan

Two chicken curries and rice to take away, please.
劳驾,要两份外卖咖喱米饭。 edu.sina.com.cn

Curries and Pancakes are famous in India.
咖喱和薄饼在印度是出名的。 blog.sina.com.cn




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