释义 |
current generation短语⁶⁸⁸⁷³ 基本例句 当前阶段 The current generation of portable atomic clocks is roughly the size of a pack of playing cards. 当代的便携电子钟大约有一个扑克牌盒那么大。 yeeyan His economic writings bridged the gap between Mises and the current generation of Austrians. 他的经济学著作在米塞斯和当代奥地利学派经济学家们之间架起了桥梁。 yeeyan Proven methodology and new technologies can help the current generation of students achieve their full potential when writing an essay. 有效的写作方法及现代科技为当代学生在写作中发挥其最大潜能提供了极大帮助。 putclub The revolution for the current generation is the entrepreneurial one. 此刻属于当代的革命,正是企业家的革命。 yeeyan The current generation of Internet- connected consoles has already dipped a toe in the realm of digital distribution for games, but the next crop, including the PS4, will go even further. 这一代的具有因特网连接的游戏终端已经在游戏的数字化发布领域有所试水,但下一代游戏终端,包括索尼 PS4,会更进一步。 yeeyan To accomplish this task, the current generation of search engines makes some compromises. 为完成此任务,目前的搜索引擎做了一些妥协。 ibm |