

单词 current condition
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Meanwhile, I analyze the current condition of teachers human resources in the higher vocational school in Inner Mongolia.
同时也对内蒙古高职院校教师人力资源的现状进行了分析。 cnki

She has traveled around the world, spreading the word about the oceans' current condition and what we can do.
她曾到世界各地旅行,传播海洋现状的知识以及教育大家应该怎么做。 yeeyan

The judge accepted psychiatric evidence that the bullying was the initiating factor which led to the teenager's current condition.
法官采信精神病学的证据,认为校园霸凌是导致这名青少年现状的起因。 taipeitimes

There's no better way to assess the current condition of science than listing the questions that science cannot answer.
要想描述科学的现状再没有比列出当今科学所不能回答的问题更有效的方法了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Thirdly, it focuses on presenting the development of PAIC finance holding, current condition and the effects and issues brought by the holding.
第三部分重点介绍平安金融控股的历程、现状与控股化带来的效应和问题; cnki




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